Reviews for The Goblin King and I
Guest chapter 1 . 1/20
I'm crying right now. You made me fall in love with this great story and left it on such a sad note. Please give them the happy ending they deserve! Please!
DannieLawman1995 chapter 32 . 1/4
I've read the whole thing and I'm just wondering if Sarah actually knew Wren. It sounded like she did when she greeted her after making a move on Jareth. I also have to wonder if she sent Toby Wren's way or if them meeting that was was just luck and coincidence. Hmm.
Gre3nleaf chapter 39 . 3/16/2019
My heart is broken. Is there really much more I need to say?

Did you mean to end it like this?
Skydriane chapter 39 . 7/31/2018
OK, so where do I start?
I didn't even want to read this at first, I was afraid that it would be a Mary Sue story. But I had read some of your other stories, and Danika's, and your joint efforts (enjoyed them, by the way), and decided to give it a go...
...and got hooked. Funny, spunky, sweet, fluffy...
...and then you tear my heart out!
I know that you haven't touched this in years, but is there any chance that you may add to this soon? This last chapter is heartbreaking, can you not give us some hope?

P.S. Sorry for not reviewing earlier chapters, but I was always in too much of a hurry to press the next button
Artic chapter 13 . 1/29/2016
OMG CHAPTER 13 AMAZING I WISH JARETH WHERE REAL! I can also relate to wren buy i am the opposite instead of being over wait I'm under but my ugly issues are the same and craziness levels XD lol
Artic chapter 2 . 1/29/2016
I agree with you i actually hate people like Sarah it's like phantom of the Oprah and edward scissorhands all those girls were idiots to i hate people like that! So i love this Jareth finally gets a happy ending ,
hannahwhovianvolturisherlock chapter 39 . 6/17/2015
Well done on this beautiful story I hope u do some more on this but until the GK keep being gorgeous and as for the amazing fabulous oc *kiss each of her cheeks dramaticlly * as my good friend the doc would say alonzy *runs into the tardis * *vanishs*
Songorita chapter 39 . 5/24/2015
Love this story pleases updates soon.
Your Future chapter 1 . 2/26/2015
Hello, yes this is mini Jareth/Wren writing from the future. I am trying to inform you that I can only be born if mommy lets daddy in again. I promise you
I am adorable and do not cause mischief. *goblins screaming faintly in the background, things crashing, Wren bellowing* hehe.' Well got to run.
SarahHatersUnite chapter 39 . 1/15/2015
Hmm I wonder I wonder what would happen if dear Wren saw hateful spiteful Sarah again? And what of kind Toby who as we have seen, was an un knowing pawn in his big sister's scheme?
Gablim chapter 39 . 1/13/2015
Wen, pwees com bak, kingy sad. bogs lots. gablims mis yo wen.
Random Fae chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
Wren please do us the courtesy of at least speaking to Jareth, he's been an insufferable bore since you left and hardly ever leaves the castle. The goblins are at their wits end, the labyrinth is getting overgrown, the statues are unsuccessfully attempting a coup, even if you do not return, at least speak with him, please?
Eager Reader chapter 1 . 1/13/2015
I absolutely love this fic! I do believe in Jareth! I do, I do! please Wren, won't you believe in Jareth too? Perhaps if all of the reviewers convince you, you'll say the right words again! Please Wren!
TT.TT Feellsss chapter 39 . 11/27/2014
This story is wonderful, well put together and completely hysterical, it captures the essence of the characters, and has an intriguing plot. That being said, you gave me all of these feels and walked away. Please please pretty please update! These past two chapters ripped out my heart, eolled it in broken glass, poured lemon juice into it, and shoved it back into my chest. Please please please update!
GirloftheArts chapter 39 . 10/5/2014
Please let Wren forgive him. If we can't have him, please let us live vicariously through her!
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