Reviews for The Life She Created
allyourrain chapter 73 . 8/12/2016
I know I'm late to the party, but this is a fantastic story! I wish it didn't end here though. I really want to know the clever plan they have put together to catch Kendall and the Covenant! And I hope they get their moment to be together and it be public knowledge. Anyway I hope you might come back to this sometime in the future.
herprinceofdarkness chapter 73 . 5/17/2016
My goodness! I only recently got into watching Alias, and decided to dig into some fic for it. Your story is by far the best sarkney fic I've read so far! The slow build you created was wonderful in really fleshing out both of their emotions and making their relationship progression that much more believable. there were so many small moments where they would laugh or a small touch here or there and I would go nuts with all the emotion!
Truly, I loved this whole story inside and out. It's been quite some time since you were writing this, so I don't know if you are still checking this. But I just wanted to let you know that your story is absolutely brilliant and I am so appreciative to have enjoyed it!
Mimi chapter 73 . 11/12/2013
I loved your story. I know it's been a few years but I hope you continue writing. I'll be checking in for updates.
Halle Alexis chapter 71 . 7/13/2013
I was just reading this story again recently and found my love of all things Sark/Sydney renewed. This was the first story that really made me fall in love with the pairing and I was wondering if there was any chance you may finish it? I know it's been a long time, but it's amazing and you came such a long way with an incredible story. Thanks!
Gogreeneaglesfan1 chapter 73 . 4/23/2013
I know I am a bit late to comment, but I had to! I finished this in one day. It was so good. I wish you finished but you did get REALLY far. I loved how her and Sark gradually grew in trust. It's just so fantastic.
New York Hope chapter 73 . 5/23/2012
So I have this story on my Favorites and was in a Sarkney mood. Spend three days reading it and realize at chapter 73 that is incomplete. :-( Please complete your story, althought I assume it won't happen after so many years...
heart.dramione chapter 1 . 1/5/2012
love your take of sydney's missing years!
Lady Carmilla Sanguina chapter 73 . 9/29/2011
This story is just so fantastic. I've been reading it nonstop since I discovered it yesterday. So great. I found it because I really wanted to read a story about Julia, and then I was so pleasantly surprised to find out it was not only a Julia fic, but also a Sydney/Sark!

You have such a way with these characters. I love the plot of this story. I think that making Sydney and Sark become involved when she's away being Julia is probably the most believable Syd/Sark I've ever read. Honestly. It's so much more plausible than some of the other ideas out there, and I really love that, because you've kept the characters intact for your story. I respect you so much for not making Sark immediately whinily in love with Sydney as a lot of author's tend to do. You handled their emotions and relationship so well. I love it. Fantastic work.

I hope to read more from you on this story in the future. Cheers!

-Lady Carmilla
KONOHA'S NIGHTMARE OF DREAMS chapter 73 . 9/12/2011
um hey its kinda been a year and i really love this story and was hoping that we could get an update soon or something? Please update soon, this story is too amazing to stop. personally i would have love if you would have rated the story M but thats just me, but again please update soon.
Sarklaurenlover chapter 73 . 6/17/2011
Lovecreative masterpiece you made .normally I ship sark and reed but your fic makes writing worth it keep it up love your story
diavoloduchessa chapter 73 . 5/9/2011
This story is really good, it's one of my top fav Sarkney fics. I don't care how long it takes to finish this story but please do! :-)
michaelfanfic chapter 1 . 4/9/2011
I started reading it today. You know, the fact that you have over 600 reviews and made a fanfic with 73 chapters made me curious.

Let's just see how long will it take for me to finish.
ShadowGoddess1 chapter 73 . 3/29/2011
I'm usually hardcore S/V and this is the first Sarkney I've ever read. I haven't read Alias fics in a long time but I'm definitely glad I came across this one.

It's so amazing and I heart everything about Syd and Sark's relationship. I've always loved Sark, just never with Sydney and somehow you've converted me with such great storytelling!

I'm glad I discovered this story late because I don't think I could have been patient to wait for 73 chapters. I have noticed it's been a little over a year since the last update. I can understand why with what you wrote in your profile. I just hope one day you have time to finish it.
happyseaturtle chapter 73 . 3/5/2011
I love this story. I can't wait for the next chapter
Lady-Finwe chapter 73 . 2/9/2011
wow friggin awsome wow that just blew my mind. gotta loe sark thou. :) cant wait for the rest :)
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