Reviews for Choice
Conan.212 chapter 1 . 2/16/2018
Well to be honest, most of this are 1:1 from the show/manga. A little more own ideas would be great.
AnnieAltman88 chapter 1 . 6/1/2010
Nice job! Although it was very much based on the anime, you added some of your own thinking into it as well. Yet somehow, you managed to stick to the original plot! (:

However, I'd love to hear some more of your own thoughts; most of the story was following the plot already laid out for you. I'm sure you would've done a terrific job either way!
Miyano Shiho chapter 1 . 7/18/2009
hi annitha how are things i hope you're getting oner your writting block _ anyway nice fic. i hope to see an update soon. best wishes..
littlelinguistme chapter 1 . 6/2/2008

I don't realy get the point of writing this...

It's like... seriously similar to the actual manga...


need not to know chapter 1 . 5/6/2008
this one doesn't seem to be written in a more gratitude style. sori.
Miyano Ran chapter 1 . 5/5/2008
Err...It was not original since it's based totally on the manga, anime episode "Two Mysteries on a Night of a Full Moon" so yeah, it wasn't original. By the way, you didn't put your disclaimer. And, it was a total spoiler, you should have placed a major spoiler warning on the summary so that readers would be warned beforehand coz I thought when you said BASED from Manga Vol 42, I thought that your story had some flashbacks from vol 42, I didn't know that this whole fic IS the written version of vol 42, but, good for me, I read that already, oh yea, and the Bus Hijacking Case as well and the Corner of Betrayal manga anime version: Ginand Sherry case I think in the Haido City Hotel. I watched and read that all so I didn't get spoiled. Whew. Anyway, don't get me wrong, this is a positive review. Although this whole plot is entirely Aoyama's, you portrayed it really well and you were able to describe what happened in your own POV. But, I know that the 'detective' who unlocked the door was HEIJI. That's for sure! Am I right? Tell me if I'm wrong, kay? Oh, and you got a mistake in the part where Ai woke up in the basement lab with the heater on. You mentioned that in the computer table there was a sandwich. Well, it wasn't in a computer table, it was in a desk, and it wasn't a sandwich, it was cough medicine and syrup, I know that coz I watched the anime. Well, despite all the things I blabbered in this review, my point is -I REALLY ENJOYED and LIKED IT SO MUCH!
Dagron chapter 1 . 5/23/2006
oh yess... Very enjoyable! cD

Twisting such a brilliant part of the manga and making it shine with new light! (sigh of joy.)

Is wonderful really, and you add in some mystery and personal touches too (why was the door open, why? And why were the glasses there? Making Conan wrong in thinking she had purposefully hidden them?)

Oh goodness, I can just see an original addition to this explaining this mystery in a baffling new way!

Was it Yukiko? But no, she had already gone off to the party on the boat, hadn't she? But in that case Hattori too, no?

Or did they both decide to do it together behind Conan's back?

Or could it ba Agasa, feeling sorry for Ai, and, knowing her probably better than Conan at times, was it him who thought she might wish to be able to intervene in case things went wrong?

Or... Could it be...? Kid?

Was it Kid who snuck in the house?

Nah. Couldn't be. What would he know of Conan's plans...

And will Conan and Ai have words over this? Or will they pretend to forget it, fixating on the menace of the Org zooming in on them or not?

Will Conan figure out who did it, and question them? But no, he's convinced Ai managed it by herself (heh, in the TV ep we do see Heiji imagining Ai using a screwdriver to unlock the door, and it isn't the tools that lack in the lab.) Maybe the person would admit it themselves...

And what about Ran? Oh my.

Hum the mystery. Miammy.

Oh, little mistake I spotted. (Evil smirk goes here.)

If you reread those pages, you might notice that Haibara is dropped off by a taxi. The docks are a bit too far from Beika for her to run there. Especially with time enough to catch up with both Jodie & Vermouth's cars (or at least be around 10 minutes behind.)

Is more noticeable on the TV special Ep made from that case (which is pure animated gold). Could try and make screencaps for you if you want (when I'm on my family's computer. Episode is too large to transfer to my laptop, let alone over the net. ; ) I must admit that I only understood that properly after watching the ep. ;

Anyways, take care and enjoy the arrival of summer! Hahaha!
Akashi Something chapter 1 . 5/16/2006
Melike! I like how you incorporated so much more than the manga did. Everything becomes slow-motion, and we can see how the characters arrived at their conclusions. Very nice! I also like the incorporated quotes. :D
Shirafor chapter 1 . 5/16/2006
Wah! Very nice job! I loved it so much! You did a really good job describing it. I could just see the scene passing before my eyes (partially becuase I've read it before :P).

But yeah, excellent!
Claude le noctambule chapter 1 . 5/16/2006
Well good fic, in character, well written and an interessing view of the encounter with Vermouth and Haibara's escape.

A good complement of vol 42. _

The only flat?

Haibara (and us) will never know why the door was open and not closed. _

Kudo had forgotten that?O_o

No way.

It was to gave an escape's way to Ai if her plan would shater?

It was because he trust her finally?

Or was it Agasa?

Well, it doesn't really matter, this story was good aniway.

As good as gratitude in my opinion.

ps : Sorry for mistakes, english is not my native language...Sigh, must I wrote that in every review I make for an englisf fic? Y-Y