Reviews for Duck Pedigree
donna79 chapter 9 . 3/10/2007
Holy crap Charlie's the father! I never saw that coming. I seriously thought it was Adam. Charlie acts like nothing happened. At least that's how I see it. But I'm glad Guy took it so well. I wouldn't have if I had found out if I was raising one of my best friends kids.
00mightyaddict99 chapter 9 . 2/25/2007
yeah, i thought it was adam until you said that evan has a dark brown hair or something like that...but connie has that hair color so i stick to adam...charlie! whew...can't wait for the update, and i'm ready to keep it up...God bless...
account-deleted-1990 chapter 9 . 2/25/2007
Awsome chapter! Ok, haha I thought Adam was the father haha! Well now I see that it pointed to Charlie! :P Hope that you update soon :D
00mightyaddict99 chapter 8 . 2/17/2007
another problem!poor guy and connie, i think tammy looks cute in guy's hair...(_)can't wait to read the update...God bless...
donna79 chapter 8 . 2/12/2007
I like the name Adrianna, it's nice. I still think Adam is the twins dad. But I could be wrong. Is it too late to guess what the movie is? Because I think it was The Island. I didn't like that movie either. I could be wrong about that too though. What's happened to Evan? Update soon.
account-deleted-1990 chapter 8 . 2/10/2007
Great chapter! I bet it is Adam! or maybe Charlie... but my instinct say that it is Adam! You better update really soon this time, I want to now who it is! :P hihi!
account-deleted-1990 chapter 7 . 1/22/2007
Yay! I'm so glad you updated this story :)

The only thing that bothers me is... WHO THE HELL IS VANESSA AND EVAN'S DAD? Is it Adam? I'm very curious!

Hope that you update soon :)
donna79 chapter 7 . 1/21/2007
I am so glad that you updated this. I was thinking about it the other day. I like Christina by the way. She's not your typical mom. I don't know what to expect from Vanessa. Connie needs to lay down the law with her.
Jen P Conn chapter 4 . 11/14/2006
is Charlie the twins father?
Jen P Conn chapter 3 . 11/14/2006
I was so upset when the Anaheim Mighty Ducks changed everything! I felt really betrayed for some reason! I was so upset! In shock! Still am!

Yea I knew Guy's actor and Fulton's actor were brothers.

Why isn't Guy spelt Gee? Since thats how its pronounced?
00mightyaddict99 chapter 6 . 9/17/2006
finally, i miss this one, i really miss this story...i never ever want to have a dream like those of connie...whew...another boy for the ducks- good for julie to spoil this i wonder if it's really ken who's having a baby...i hope that youre not that busy in this days so that you can update soon...great one...God bless...more power...
00mightyaddict99 chapter 5 . 8/2/2006
good day...really like your update...i like the way guy is so excited with their coming baby, i think that is so sweet, i love him so much on this chapter...i think button is a cute name, i miss my dog, more power and God bless...keep it up
donna79 chapter 5 . 7/31/2006
This was a good chapter. I like that Dean is sympathetic when it comes to Julie's mom. Mom's can be like that sometimes. It was really sweet that Julie caved in about the dog. Dean really is the man!
00mightyaddict99 chapter 4 . 7/3/2006

i also thought that you will make a sequel in a longer time... and i'am suprised that when i visited the site there was all ready the update...great..

i still love this one...i love dialogues and flashbacks...

surprised to have charlie and linda on the first part but still it is it...(_)

thanx for the confirmation on ages...

funny that connie looks so young in the 3rd movie while she was born in 1977 and guy 1980...i'm thinking how i love this movie so much when i watched it when i was 5...haha...mysteries...

so who do you think was the best kisser...haha...kidding!

do you think julie and averman has a future...i have a dream about them...i dont like it that much but it was funny...cute, think about the STRANGEST PAIR...!

i also want to have one of my duck jerseys but not like that at the nhl...i want the green ones(in the 1st movie) and the white ones (in the 2nd movie) also with my name on it...wishes(_)

still gonna wait on your next sequels...i'm also reading the other story ehmd...

keep it up!

good luck on your vacation!ENjoy! God Bless!
account-deleted-1990 chapter 4 . 7/2/2006
Great chapter!

Yeah the update came realy fast :D

I read the ((READ THIS)) at the page and dident understand any of it... :/ So who is the father?
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