Reviews for Radiant
DragonRose4 chapter 16 . 10/3/2018
I don’t suppose you could send me a pm with the website you posted the rest of this story to? Or email. Dragonrose . Jen Gmail . com
lifelane chapter 16 . 12/29/2013
This is absolutely amazing! Why hasn't this been updated?!
CosmicEssence chapter 16 . 2/23/2012
ooooh did you finish the rest of this then? cause man what a cliffhanger to leave it on! loved it though...interaction, Rose, the doctor even Jack and mickey and jackie. truly a brillint story, very well written and full on engaging...i would just really like to read the rest of it!
Vi-Violence chapter 16 . 9/2/2010
Okay, two things.

1. I just whent and read the two other chapters you have up on that other site, and you are no-where near the rating limit here, you haven't even gotten to anything "M" rated yet!

2. You really need to update this fic, whever, just update it, please.
The Small But Powerful One chapter 16 . 5/7/2010
please add to this story i love it and i want to read more!
dragonDraw chapter 16 . 2/26/2010
woohoo awesomeness i cant wait for more!
Belle's Noir chapter 16 . 7/29/2009
I am absolutly loving this.

It's amazing and differntly. At least I think it is but I'm new to this fandom. Maybe there's a million other stories that are incredibly similar I just haven't found them P

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how great this is and ask a favour. It wouldn't just be a favour to me, it would be for everyone who loves this story but isn't a member of .

You should add ANs as chapters everytime you update this story on who fic, that way I can add this story to alerts and know to go check out the other site (which I have already bookmarked and will be checking regularly).

Consider it?

Hanna xoxo
katididnot chapter 16 . 7/29/2008
great story!
eileenKelli chapter 16 . 7/15/2008
that was great. i'm glad you didn't kill Rose...not for very long anyways, and omg i LOVE jack, i'm always beyond euphoric when he tags along.

the only complaint is a formating error, or whatever you want to call it. instead of putting words into italics, every time it says "i (word) /i". it's something you might want to look into fixing someday.

on the off chance you fix that, in the last chapter you also wrote "since the chance.", when chance should have been change.

now onto a new site where i can read the rest of the fic, and lots of others... yay.
chelle20 chapter 16 . 8/9/2007
great story
0-Silver Goddess-0 chapter 16 . 7/26/2007
I love it and I can't wait to see more.
Halfpastdead001 chapter 16 . 5/16/2007
fantastic fic id love to read more !
TrueRockstar chapter 16 . 3/18/2007
I really like this story and the whole concept of it. I also like the fact that something happened before the Doctor decided to go back to Jack; it adds a certain something to it.

Watch out for your italics, by the way. It sort of breaks up the story and makes it harder to read...

Anyway, can't wait for more

Dalakh chapter 16 . 2/10/2007
whofic? guess i'll have to mosey on over to there then :D
Fluffy Nabs chapter 15 . 1/27/2007
What happens next? What happens next? When I saw the end of Season 1 of Torchwood, I just about had a heart attack. Whee! And they said the Doctor wasn't going to be in it. Hah hah hah! Even the sound of the TARDIS was enough to make me jump around the room like and idiot. I'm glad you're incorporating that into your story. Keep writing!
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