Reviews for Your Life Could End Up Changing
brainless fluff lover chapter 1 . 2/4
finish please?
Elphaba'sGirl chapter 15 . 7/23/2013
Nice story. Galinda really could use some organization. Love this!
Maddy chapter 15 . 1/27/2013
I don't suppose you're going to continue this story, since it's been three years since you're last update... but still I would really really love you to finish it... Please?
SlytherinRiter chapter 15 . 1/16/2012
How on earth does Elphaba keep track of all of Galinda's clothes?
j0k3 chapter 15 . 10/16/2011
awesome story! please continue!
the-Mad-Majesty-of-Muchness chapter 4 . 11/4/2010
"She had heard...that her...condition was Elphaba's fault...therefore Elphaba should make up for it in some way." While this is a wonderful chapter, Glinda and I have something to say to this.

Me: Ready, Glin?

Glinda: Ready.

Me: 1...2...3!

the-Mad-Majesty-of-Muchness chapter 1 . 11/4/2010
I noticed that in the next-to-last paragraph (not including the last verse of the song) that when it talks about hearing footsteps and thinking they'd left, you wrote, "she heard their footsteps heading n the opposite direction" and forgot to put the "i" in the word "in," so it just says "N the opposite direction." Just thought I'd let you know.
Anna Marie Raven chapter 15 . 7/24/2010
Love that Elphaba/Galinda bonding!
Beautifully Tragic Girl chapter 15 . 7/24/2010
Coolies. Very interesting. I really want to know what happens next. Update soknmpkease.

Beautifully Tragic


Beautifully Tragic Girl chapter 14 . 7/18/2010
OMO. This is finally back. I was reading this last year and i thought it wasn't going to be updated, but it is. so Yay. I'm enjoying it so much. Update again soon.

Beauitifully Tragic


Anna Marie Raven chapter 14 . 7/18/2010
Whoof, that was a lot of reading to recall exactly what was going on in this chapter. And don't worry about the hiatus; I did the same thing on my Wicked fic.
ko-chan-the-blueberry-donut chapter 12 . 6/23/2010
This is an amazing "what-if" take. I hope you will continue when you have time.
werewolf-in-training chapter 13 . 1/18/2010
Is this story officially dead? Please tell me it isn't! Update soon! please?
populardarling chapter 3 . 4/18/2009
Even though this is obviously abandoned, so sad! This is a great story. I love reading this kind of stuff and I just loved it! If you ever do get an inspiration to write this again, please do!
Didy chapter 13 . 8/4/2008
"Now I don't normally beg for reviews but I think 20 pages/8100 words in less than four weeks deserves a tiny bit of acknowledgement, yes?"

That's what you said, but I think another update would be nicer...only because it's been a year, and I really LOVE this story and keep on hoping for an update, but there never is one. Unless you're going to leave this story unfinished. If that's the case could you please tell us?

Thank you, and good luck in RL.

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