Reviews for This Is Life
lipamo chapter 33 . 12/28/2016
Omg this is insane but sooo good for her over-analytical and afraid pretty much perfect -just as the surprise pregnancy. I love. I hope i have the guts and do that to my love one day too. he is like brennan in some ways..
Thanks so much for this beautiful story
lipamo chapter 32 . 12/28/2016
I fucking love of it. Every chapter has its own gravity,flow and dynamic. And so has your storyline. In a wird:magnificent . Thank you so much!
lipamo chapter 28 . 12/22/2016
Wooow hooot
lipamo chapter 27 . 12/21/2016
Hell this is more than si absolutely wonderfully amazing ... i have no adequate words for it. Thaaank you so much for making my dreams come true to read here!
lipamo chapter 25 . 12/20/2016
Oooooh my god yessssssss
lipamo chapter 23 . 12/19/2016
Soo beautiful i am swooning
lipamo chapter 21 . 12/18/2016
Aaaawesome story! Soorry that i review only here although every chapter deserved it so much. I love it - the flow of the storyline, the way you write it so realistic and for the characters very authentic and of course the great dialogues and atmosphere you create. I love ireland. It is a dream of mine to go therr since i am 12. Thank you so much!
Bones2014 chapter 36 . 4/26/2015
I'm always do sad when a great story ends. This was a beautiful story. These two were truly meant to be together. I'm a happy camper when that occurs. I hope you did write about their little one. On to read your other stories. I'm enjoying them all so much. You are an amazing author. Plus, you take care of my two fav characters.
Bones2014 chapter 34 . 4/26/2015
Oh, I not only liked, I loved! So beautiful. She loves him as much as he loves her. Perfect.
Bones2014 chapter 33 . 4/26/2015
Oh, how amazingly beautiful. See, he's ever the romantic. God, I want one. Such male perfection for a fictional character. As Angela said earlier...I'd do him, over & over til the end of time. Glad my husband doesn't see this:)
Bones2014 chapter 32 . 4/26/2015
Another thing they do often on the They are so romantic. Christmas & romance...perfect.
Bones2014 chapter 31 . 4/26/2015
Awwww. Loved that bonding moment. They are the best couple ever, on the show, & as you have written them here. Always there to support each other...such love for one another:)
Bones2014 chapter 30 . 4/26/2015
See, once again you nailed it. We now know that Booth's father was an abusive drunk. I'm just saying...I belueve they read FF? Turns out Booth has led a rough life like Brennan. At least her first 15 years were spent happily with her family. Booth never had that.
Bones2014 chapter 29 . 4/26/2015
He is so good! God, what I wouldn't give! He is perfect, real or otherwise:) damn, what a lucky, horny anthropologist!
Bones2014 chapter 28 . 4/26/2015
OMG, you never cease to up the hotness! Whew, that was amazing! I imagine the charmed smile alone would have gotten him the coat room! And not once , but twice in 20 minutes? God, I want a Booth:)
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