Reviews for The Kiss
Thayanne Elizabeth chapter 1 . 10/25/2019
Ps: uns detalhes seguintes fariam toda a diferença
They call me mellow yellow chapter 1 . 12/20/2011
Hmmm... I didn't think it was /to/ OOC, I don't get why people who flame this. It's cute :3
LCat chapter 1 . 4/7/2011
Wow, I Loved Your Story! I'm just grinning because I love the way V susprised Evey with a Kiss. You start out very mysterious building up to the Kiss. In my opinion very well written. Thanks for making my day. Keep it up.
firefly chapter 1 . 6/5/2008
Why would anyone flame this? I loved it! I love happy endings, and with V and Evey happy together...well, what could be better! The only thing wrong was, it was too more please!
firefly123 chapter 1 . 10/19/2007
I loved this! The only problem...I wish it had been so much longer! Write another one, only make it at least 60,0 words!


Ruthie-Ruthie chapter 1 . 3/15/2007
Well, since you said not to flame...fuck that, I am going to. Actually...I wont...but I wont be like the other reviewers and say "Aw, that's so cute!" or stuff like that. If you ask people not to flame, they're going to do it anyways. It's the way life is and you've got to deal with it. And I don't think this is considered an OOC fic...

Anyways, keep writing, and dont do what "Interference" said, and end your life.

BlueUltraViolet (Karus Immortalias)
kbluesmom chapter 1 . 9/7/2006
Impressive. I really liked it. More please if you can. Thank you.
Benjamin Lynne chapter 1 . 8/11/2006
Oh noez, sum1 dozn't liek u on teh internetz?

Your story is pretty decent- a little corny, and nothing really all that special, but fairly cute and at least moderatly enjoyable. However your reaction to reviews is incredably childish. So some people don't like what you wrote- big deal. It's the internet, don't expect people to be nice and respectfull all the time. People have a right to their opinions, as well as the right to express them. if you can't handle criticism of your work, don't show it to anyone.

This is the real world; no one has to be nice to you just because you asked them to. Telling people not to 'flame' just gives more insentive to do it anyway. Next time, try addressing others' opinions with a modicum of tact.


Rin Innakita chapter 1 . 5/26/2006
Teehee. V for Vignette.

Anyway, in response to Interference, I would like to say: SHUT THE HELL UP. This is a great little fic. Just because it's not 500 paragraphs long and full of description doesn't mean it's not good, you elitist punk.

Anyway, yes, it's great. It's a little bit OOC, but not much. Keep up the good work! -

~Rin Innakita
lovesconfeusion285 chapter 1 . 5/21/2006
this fic is acctually cute, i like it, you did a good job for early in the morning
LittleCountryDragon chapter 1 . 5/7/2006
Oh my goodness gone dong gracious, though that that would never happen as long as I lived... but... it did!

Continue? *big brown puppy-dog eyes*
Angelic Lawyer chapter 1 . 5/5/2006
I don't this is OOC at all. It's well written, well thought-out and in character. A good ol' fluffly vignette. I can actually imagine this happening in canon.

The title kind of spoils it a little, though. Something less revealing would probably be better. The reader would enjoy the story even more if he/she was as clueless as Evey, instead of knowing from the start what was about to happen.

Also, your A/N is rather unnecessary, you know. The people who sent you flames aren't very likely to read it, anyway. And it discourages new readers to actually go on to the story.
fujate1431 chapter 1 . 4/26/2006
I jus thought I would write a few words of encouragement, and say that I love this story so far. so keep writing and I can't wait to read the rest. ;)
Hobbit Babe chapter 1 . 4/26/2006
O, that was great!
Ultraviolet Phenomenon chapter 1 . 4/26/2006
I don't get the warning label. It was adorable. No one knows where V and Evey are in their relationship they could very well have gotten close and V simply took the initiative to fulfill something he longed to do but hadn't, due to fear, insecurity and such. I was adorable, and filled with V's underlying sense of need, it really seemed like he was struggling with himself but he'd set out to do that and by god he was going to do it. Well done, I enjoyed it immensely.
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