Reviews for How about never
maipigen chapter 1 . 3/29/2014
more, please!
ValkyrieH chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
You did a really good job capturing Dean's voice and wit in this piece, and all the angst fits well with their relationship at that point in the story. Another good one!
krazykiwigirl27 chapter 1 . 5/29/2009
Yikes. I've always kind of identified with Dean; this is partially why. I'm not the baby of the family, so I sort of get ripped off sometimes, while my brother gets...well, babied. (That's the bitter side of me talking. Most of the time I think I got the better end of the stick; I am the tougher one, after all.)

This is an interesting look at a side of Dean nobody really thinks about. I like the connection to the Bible story as well; Sam really is the prodigal son in a lot of ways. But, hey, he does have his redeeming qualities too.
magnetic-starfish chapter 1 . 3/12/2007
Hey! I love Dean's perspective in this fic! I suppose that I have never looked at it that way but Sam is really selfish! It's a breath of fresh air next to the fics where the brothers have an amazing bond and all that. Thanks!
TillyRose chapter 1 . 8/16/2006
Wow, this displays Dean perfectly. And you did great on Sam, as well - he's such a selfish little shit, isn't he?
Brin chapter 1 . 6/27/2006
Wow! I really liked this story! I'm surprised/impressed, I figured it would be full of grammar mistakes and post-Asylum cliche angst, but it really wasnt! This is fantastic, I think the story just progressed and got a lot better after Dean remembers the bible story, because the stuff before that seems a little un-Deanlike, since he really wanted a little brother and Dean would never feel insecure enough to look at physics text books just to sound smart. He's probobly just call Sam a nerd if the subject was brought up. And its so true that Dean always gets the shaft. D: Keep writing, I really liked this one! : D

Kiao chapter 1 . 5/10/2006
Love it. Terribly, wonderfully sad. Love the bitter, yet understanding edge. .V Phenomenal as always hun! have a great day!


Rose of No Man's Land chapter 1 . 4/23/2006
This was such a great look into the mind of Dean. Cool use of the story of the Prodigal son, by the way, that always kinda got me too! I loved the bit where Little Dean wanted a bike instead of Sam. Hehe. Great tie-in with the episode, brilliant insight.
clothesOVERbros chapter 1 . 4/14/2006
*whistles* Awesome, awesome job! You were spot on with Dean's thoughts. I can't wait to see what else comes from you.
Bluenight chapter 1 . 4/12/2006
LOVE IT! That was a great story, i agree with you about Sam. Poor Dean. Siblings huh.
Ryu chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
I quite enjoyed this. I really felt for Dean after that episode, partially because even after everything he's done (and will still do) for his little brother, his life is screwed no matter what. I mean, he's legally dead because he was helpin one of Sam's friends.

And Sam goes and shoots him.

What a lovely thank you.
snchills chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Wow. Excellent.
Ster1 chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
Great insight into the characters. I agree with you -with the way Sam has acted, Dean would feel that betrayed and hurt. He's only human and it would be natural to feel very bitter. But because he's a decent, good man, he puts on a brave front and does what he has to do. And I do think Sam has acted very selfishly in the past, probably because he was so indulged as a child. But I have no doubt he loves his brother and hopefully, as Sam becomes an adult, he'll come to understand this and change. Sam has every right to be his own person; it's how you go about it that matters. So again, thanks for posting!
Antigone11 chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
"I’m not the prodigal son.

I’m the one that gets shafted; the dutiful son."

I've got to admit, that story always bothered me too! Of course, I was the child that always tried to keep everyone else in the family happy. Poor Dean. He tries so hard and nobody really seems to notice. No wonder he's always hitting on cute bartenders.
Isobel Swan chapter 1 . 4/11/2006
I knew that Dean was lonely but it is extremely painful to think of him as this lonely. Do you think that his distrust of Sam as decreased since Asylum or do you think that the damage was permanent?