Reviews for Genderless: One without a gender
Andy Waters chapter 16 . 9/13/2014
Thank you for spoiling every important plot point to this epic saga. *Sarcastic* This is worse than watching the Abridged version if an Anime before the real thing. It just really saddens me to know exactly what happens to Kairi. Now I don't have a reason to read anymore of your beautifully written and funny chapters.
I read the first seven chapters two years ago. At the time I was a bit depressed and trying to find a good story to cheer me up and pull me away from my somewhat sucidal thoughts. When I read this, I found your writing very funny and gripping. It put a rare genuine smile on my face. But after six chapters, I had to go to my grandfather's funeral and this story was forgotten.
Now I'm much better.
As I look back on this and finish it, I can't help but feel disappointed by the spoilers.
As the old saying goes,
Ignorance is bliss.
Yoshino Kamakaze chapter 3 . 3/19/2014
"I work at a theatre for little kids!"
An right about here; *LITERAL FACEPALM*
Akito Sohta chapter 1 . 3/19/2014
The students were all pulled out of Glee. According to Smosh, they are 'Pregnant, horny and gay, but that's A-okay!' (Not) And dare I say, they're worse than the perverts all guys seem to be whenever they're in Japanese anything.
ChiioUnicorn chapter 1 . 1/22/2014
Man, I think I'm in love with Kairi now. Guy or not, she's my type. jk jk jk. XD No, seriously, I really like her in here already. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy this story. Anyway, I'm wondering what really happened to Wakka. Hmmm..
Guest chapter 1 . 7/10/2012
Sounds a little like Hana-Kimi.
KarakuRoku chapter 16 . 6/29/2012
Such a shame you wouldn't be continuing this. At least you posted a summary. Most authors who discontinue their story dont even do this. I'm gonna miss this one though. *cough* Even if there is RokuNami *cough* Jk jk! No offense to anyone ye? Sorry x'D

Anyway yeah, this was a funny story, and I'll miss it :')
Ilessthan3KH chapter 16 . 6/22/2012
I am very happy and appreciative that you created this follow up but I'm very very confused on one thing. This summary is set up in a chapter by chapter format, not just a whole section which suggest the chapters were already written. Why not just post the written chapters instead of this? o_O
LeviHeichouCos chapter 16 . 6/22/2012
IM SO SAD WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!btw,if you EVER get anything from sokailover on deviantart its MEEEEEEE!I basically just write sokai this story inspired me!I started typing a story called Boy in an all girl's 's dressed in drag (looks good besides his hight)and rooms with Kairi since Selphie was kidnapped.
breaking6883 chapter 16 . 6/22/2012
jet12385 chapter 1 . 6/21/2012

Fanfiction will be DELETEING stories that contain mature content, violence, stories based on songs!

Meaning, if your story isn't K, it has a chance of being gone.

So… just about every story on the site.

There's a petition going around to attempt to stop this. If you haven't signed it, the link is: www . change petitions/fanfiction-net-stop-the-destruction-of-fanfiction-net

Please remove spaces and sign petition so they don't remove mature content/violence/based on songs accounts and stories.

But there is more! Black Out Day is on June 23rd (according to GTM timing, so that we know we're doing it together), DO NOT GO ONTO FANFICTION . NET. Don't read, don'treview, don't message your friends,don't update. If enough people participate, then the site will notice and will realize we take our stories seriously.

Please spread the word any way you can in any fandom! And let me know if you're going to join. The motto is"Unleash Your Imagination." How can we if we're being given a LONG list of what we can and cannot write?

June 23rd—Remember it.

Please! Spread the word and join the fight!


Sign the petition!
SomethingPersonal chapter 15 . 6/13/2012
You got me hooked at the end of chapter fourteen! But then I almost died when you said you weren't going to continue the story anymore! But, I know how hard life is and you have those times when you feel like pushing someone down the stairs. . .

Are you going to post the rest of the details you planned for people to continue the story in the next chapter? Or is it just questions people asked?
WhiteTenshi chapter 15 . 6/11/2012
Aw and I was looking forward to reading more when I saw you update! It's such a great story too!

So who's the killer?

How did everyone find out Kairi is a girl and what were their reactions?

How did everything end?

What happens after Kairi is done with her case?
anexorcist chapter 15 . 6/6/2012
I'm sad to hear that this is just going to end like this. This was one of the first fanfics I really, truly fell in love with! Thank you for such a wonderful ride, I really enjoyed it and I wish you luck and success in all your future endeavors. Hopefully, since you say you've already got everything planned, along with the answered questions, could you post the rest of the story, maybe in outline form?
Ilessthan3KH chapter 15 . 6/3/2012
Wait wtf? This is such a great story! How can you not finish it? :O
White Simplicity chapter 15 . 6/2/2012
Nooo! I love this story and read it years back. I was so happy and I smiled to see you updated. But then again thank you for taking your time to come back to it to announce your info. But my question is who is the killer? Why did they consult to murder? And I would definitely love to hear what your ending was going to be (:
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