Reviews for Gryffindor's Princess or Slytherine's Heir?
Brownies3 chapter 13 . 7/19/2014

Sweetkiller0513 chapter 13 . 8/22/2011
Please continue
slytherin-goddess-kitten chapter 11 . 7/2/2011
I know that you don't do this story anymore..and your friend took over so I'm looking into her updated chapters BUT I just wanted you to know that YOU were the determining factor in me getting an account! I just wanted to review and add you as a favorite reallyy bad because I feel like giving credit where credit is due! :)) Big fan, love your stories. You'll keep seeing my comments, trust me. :D
Jeca123 chapter 12 . 10/10/2009
Loved this story :D
YaoiGirl1997 chapter 12 . 8/13/2009
please update!
echomoon chapter 12 . 7/11/2009 um... hello, by evanescense..actually, any evenescense...yeah.. thats what i listen to, anyway. please update. this story is really good. so please write more. :-)
echomoon chapter 7 . 7/11/2009
i agree with you about the earring thing. dont know which one makes you not gay, though. honestly, it doesnt matter to most people. with some exceptions. anyways, liked the chapter. :-)
echomoon chapter 3 . 7/11/2009
isnt it dm/hg, not dr/hg? oh well. tis really good, though.:-)
iamme14 chapter 12 . 2/13/2009
cool story. maybe 'leave out all the rest' by linkin park?
iamme14 chapter 7 . 2/13/2009
uh... i think my dad has both of his ears peirced at least once, but i'm pretty sure he's straight if for no other reason he's probably at the hospital right now while his second wife is having contractions. i think that's a pretty good sign that the ear ring thing isn't .

great story. :-)
iamme14 chapter 1 . 2/13/2009
very interesting.
TheLadyBookworm chapter 12 . 2/13/2009
I know its been a while since you've updated this story, but it just doesn't seem to have a real ending or anything. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely worth the read but it feels like there should be more to it.
Allissa chapter 12 . 4/30/2008
wow! i like this story! a lot!
Megan Consoer chapter 12 . 2/10/2008
I really like this story alot. Can you please write some more chapters?
Angel1039 chapter 12 . 7/3/2007
I love your story and I love love love the song you used for this chapter. Its from my favorite movie The Labyrinth! I know the song right after reading the first line... Anyways... Love the story... Please update soon!
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