Reviews for Aurora Borealis
gindensmi chapter 17 . 6/16/2018
This was a great experience!
Tracy-Bell chapter 5 . 10/7/2008
THIS IS RUBBISH. There are way to many characters in the story and the fic just keeps changing corse. U never explained what happened to Sasuke and what the monster really is. U should give up writing for good.
katemonster x3 chapter 1 . 4/1/2008
Kakashi sure enjoyed yelling a novel, neh?
the ness-ness chapter 6 . 2/19/2008
Hun, I am so soory that I haven't reviewed in so long! So here I am.

I liked Berk. He seemed like a guy I would be good friends with given some time. The twins are insane as usual; I really don't want to know what they did to Berk...

That girl is intense...She scares me...

Until next time~!

~the ness-ness~
the ness-ness chapter 5 . 2/2/2008
Chronoquest chapter 1 . 12/10/2007
Well, I must say Blue-chan, that the first chapter has definitely caught my attention. It might take a me a bit to get through the actual story (Blame finals week more than me! I swears! It's all finals week) but I will complete it and tell you what I think...

((What? I'm leaving a review...? -_-" Man, its been forever since I've done that.))
the ness-ness chapter 4 . 9/24/2007
Iruka's creepy when taken over by evil...*shivers*

...Do they really have Sharpies? Wonder what color he used...*thoughtful look*

White on black and Black on white are the coolies!

~the ness-ness~
the ness-ness chapter 3 . 9/12/2007
You put Lee and Gai in here! I love their YOUTHFULNESS!

Kakashi-san really put Ino-pig in her place. She deserved it after interrupting the Hokage like that...

~the ness-ness~
the ness-ness chapter 2 . 7/11/2007
Okay, It is now offical: I. LOVE. YOU. You put Haku in this! He is my boy! In a platonic way, of course.

The trump card of this entire chapter is Naruto's full body tackle of the zombie thingy. And his thoughts. Those were good.

Dancing cows at a bar mitzvah? Where did you pull that from?

~the ness-ness~
the ness-ness chapter 1 . 7/6/2007
O_o Holy moley, gaint canoley. What just happened? I think I say a blur of info run by me... This was intense...

bestangelbaby chapter 7 . 4/29/2007
Wow, im liked hooked on this tory, the story writing part seems to need a little work, but the plot and the way its put together is done quite well. i would suggest if you ever rewrite the story to keep the plot and the actions of everyone the same, just work on getting the writing done better. what i believe that you wanted the story to do, is done right, but the actual writing of it can be improved quite a bit. otherwise, i really enjoy it.
emo-nin-rocker chapter 2 . 3/28/2007
yay haku's alive -
FastForward chapter 17 . 12/24/2006
Aww, a confused Itachi is so adorable. I want one!

:O Candra said "Hunger? Thirst?" *squeal* She learned from Berna XD

GO KIBA XD Hehe, he's joined in the chaos. I love him *snuggles Kiba*

Wow, Kakashi, keep it in your pants, will ya? Poor Iruka, sheesh.

Oh wow, amazing XD Chevy is cleaning the counter instead of a glass, lol XD

Come on, Sasuke and Naruto! Get together! SMEXAGE! I DEMAND IT!

HAH! YEAH! YOU GO KAKASHI! Naruto deserves better! You tell those villagers! Show 'em who's boss! *dances*

Kinda cute Hinata OPENED doors, lol. Man, if I were a Hyuuga... I would be a bad, bad person, I can tell you that much XD

Heh, I'd have made a mad grab for Ozzy and begged him to let me stay with him XD I like them like him... bad boys, all grumpy-like... and hey, there's TWO of him *perverted grin*

SQUE! I bet I bet I bet *is too excited to finish the sentence* Chevy and them knew Yondy and Naru-chan is Yondy's son XDXDXDXD :3:3:3:3:3

Yay! I finished! XD Sorry it took me so long ; I feel bad, but I even struggled to get this done now. I thought I'd have more time during the holidays, but no. No time, lol. But hey, I managed to read it, and I really enjoyed it.

Overall, this was a very good fic, and the ideas were superb. The only criticism I have is your reliance on OCs. I think that this fic would be a fantastic original story, which you should consider writing elsewhere (since FF doesn't accept originals, for some stupid reason. Try yahoo) because I think the plotline would be sensational. And you can develop the characters much more in-depth if you make it a full-fledge Original fic. It was hard to remember that this was a Naruto fic because of how much was related to the OCs. Just friendly advice on trying to tone it down with them. I know they're fun, but as I know from experience, you tend to let them get away from you and you focus more on the OCs than the actual characters, which is why I try to avoid OCs like the plague.

But, like I said, fantastic fic, and I wish you all the best for your other fics Oh, and Merry Christmas :P Or, you know, Happy Holidays
FastForward chapter 16 . 12/23/2006
Wow, a nice Itachi. I always find it weird. It's nice, but oh so weird, lol.

I'm confused with the clothes changing and stuff... I didn't get that part at ALL...

Yay! Her name! And... the room of colour? ...

Oh Ozzy... I want one :P

Wha-They didn't take the painting? I would have! - oh, never mind ; And yay for taking the kitty!

Aw! Little brats, geez. You'd think they'd know not to tug!

Dang, I was kinda hoping to see Iruka's reaction to Naruto coming back safe and sound, lol.

Aw, nu! Poor Tachi-kun!

Hehe, Naruto had to carry Sasuke again XD XD XD

FastForward chapter 15 . 12/23/2006
Haha, poor Kakashi. I have those days, too. "Why did I bother waking up today? Nothing's going to go right." In fact, I had one of those days yesterday XD haha

Wow, Matchmaker Kyuubi... never thought I'd see the day XD

YAY! Kissage! *dances* Now smexage!

Damn injuries! The only part of Naruto that should be injured is his ass from the pounding-wait, this is a NaruSasu... damn...

*gasp* Poor kitty! Sasuke didn't feed him! How harsh!


I'd want Cream as my spirit *is excited* but I guess a wolf is pretty cool, too

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