Reviews for Dying Flames
twasnicetomeetyou chapter 16 . 5/11
Really good, but I'm just nit-picking; aren't there wards in Grimmauld house? You know, anti-apparating ones. Other than that, love the chapter; amazing!
Guest chapter 26 . 12/11/2019
ahhhhh i love it :333
Mary chapter 26 . 6/18/2019
I absolutely loved this book
I'm so sad to know it's the end
Stardust chapter 26 . 3/4/2019
You are amazing. One of the best fanfictions I have ever found. My respect.
MsAwesome2u chapter 26 . 3/3/2019
Great story! Loved how you wrapped it up as so many leave the reader hanging. I sometimes have trouble switch back and forth when a story jumps between past, present, and multiple scenes that are transpiring at once among groups of characters. With that being said, I think you handled it pretty well and kept the story flowing. There were a couple places towards the beginning I got slightly lost for a paragraph or two, not making the transition... but overall it was a great read.
Guest chapter 6 . 1/9/2019
Remus and full moon should not be put together. Unless in your story he’s not a werewolf. Just through me off for a moment.
Navani chapter 15 . 12/28/2018
Very nice chapter! Just one critique on this one. That being Minverva, she definitely was a tad out of character here with the excited burst of emotion and hope that she gets invited to a wedding. She’s more reserved than that. Otherwise it was a great chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Navani chapter 14 . 12/28/2018
Remus seems rather aggressive, which isn’t really in character for him. His whole thing is about showing control. He has to be in control, or people might start getting worried about the werewolf within. Other than that, however, you’ve got some great chapters going. Very very good.
Navani chapter 11 . 12/28/2018
Hello again! I just have a few questions for this chapter. The first being how these teachers cannot brew potions. They all attended Hogwarts, they all took these classes, and a trio of young students made it by themselves with almost no problems more than once. The teachers should be able to brew the potion just fine? And how did the draw work? It didn’t seem like they counted the votes and I’m not sure what happened there. I’m still very much enjoying your story and can’t wait to see what happens next!
Navani chapter 11 . 12/28/2018
Still loving it! I loved when you said “Darkness reaches up and swept him under” that was very poetic.
Navani chapter 9 . 12/25/2018
I adored Draco and Harry scenes in this chapter. I also loved the humor with Ron and his cake!
Navani chapter 8 . 12/25/2018
I am still in love with your writing! You’ve done such a great job with this story! All of my questions are slowly being answered. I’m still curious, are The Lion’s Pride still at Hogwarts? Why would the Order let Draco join and not Hermione or Ron? They’re the same age, they were all students at the time. Regardless of the reason, though, I love that The Lion’s Pride is something that exists! It’s such a fun idea, especially with competent muggle horns and half bloods bringing in muggle tech to make their spying easier for them!
Navani chapter 6 . 12/25/2018
The Pride is really interesting! At first I thought this was after the trip had finished at Hogwarts but Then Ron mentioned having class with Snape. How are the students balancing school and Pride work? How are they even getting out of Hogwarts on a daily basis to do this kind of thing? Is Voldemort in charge of the government? He has Azkaban but earlier Hermione mentioned the ministry like it was an ally. I’m also curious as to how the Lion’s Pride came to be. Harry knows about it so he obviously had to be part of it. Did he found it? Why doesn’t anyone tell the Order what they’re doing or who they are? It can’t be because they’re too young to fight, Draco was in the Order after all. Your story is very thought provoking. I’m curious, I’m invested, and I can’t wait to see what happens next!
Navani chapter 5 . 12/25/2018
I absolutely love what I’ve read so far! This is my first Harry Potter FanFiction in a few years and I was not disappointed. I adore your writing style! I was a little confused during a few different parts. In the last chapter, I believe, Dumbledore said something about love being a courtesy as opposed to a gift and that was weird? Love is something that is given and shown like a gift. The other thing is the Lion’s Pride. The whole thing with the changing of the cloaks and the addition of rings and some sort of ribbon was a little confusing. I wasn’t quite sure what was going on. It was also weird that we had a scene about the Lion’s pride meeting and then we had Draco talking about being in the Order when he was also in the Lion’s Pride. Maybe it will be explained later though. Despite being a little confused I am still loving your work!
Navani chapter 4 . 12/25/2018
I think Harry must have really been through a lot here, I’m wondering if we get to see more of how Harry was caught—was it the duel at the BOH or was it something else—and the events that led to Harry straight up being able to snarl at people. Even bad people. The character development and events that caused it would be really interesting. It’s also interesting that Voldemort hasn’t made Harry’s imprisonment public, it kind of goes with his whole keep everyone in the dark and in chaos vibe and I like it.
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