Reviews for The Reason Why
Guest chapter 3 . 10/7/2012
Nat chapter 3 . 1/25/2012
More please!
Can't think of a name chapter 3 . 4/5/2009
This is a really good story! I love your style of writing! Please update soon, I'm excited to see where this is going!
RobinxStarfireLuvr chapter 3 . 3/11/2009
Hey. I like the idea. I think I know where you're going with this. I think that maybe a logner chapter would help. Because when its too short, it leaves readers crazy! Cause its like give a little kid one scoop of ice cream. Good, but they need mroe for their sweet tooth. Do you get it? So, just a little longer chapter. I love how you made Robin really nice and kind, to the little boy. I think, for them to meet... It should be totally random, not like the show. It should be Robin looking around for theg glowing green thing, right? And then Starfire like attacks him! And then... He'a gonna attack ehr, right? but then he stops cause he sees how pretty she is. Or something silly. XD Iono. It was a weird thought. XD It made more sense in my head. HEHE!I think ti should be them, like a fighting duo. no other team members. It emphasized the relationship and it would be much more fun to write. Trust me. XD Ok. Update soon. I'm going to have uon alert to see waht you do with it. And update quick! So no one waits too long! :D
XxDulce.Beat chapter 2 . 10/16/2006
YAY! U UPRDATED! I cant wait 4 the next chapter! pLEASW UPDATE! this is one of the few good well writen stories on fan fic now and days! so UPDATE! lol but really its great and a good plot! ill give u gummy bears if u update!

until the next chapter

StarryNightT chapter 2 . 4/13/2006
o! i like it so far! i can't wait until the next chapter! i wanna know what happens next! XD!
skye668 chapter 2 . 4/13/2006
it's really good. please continue
colombianwing chapter 2 . 4/12/2006
The story's great ,but just to make it interesting have Stafire kiss Robin to acquire the native tongue of the earth peaple. Don't worry if this is extreme because Starfire kissed Robin in the episode "Go" to speak luck and write fast.
JP chapter 2 . 4/11/2006
Guess who’s back to taunt you ~!

It’s your one and only, seriously messed-up cousin, JP! D


Nice chapter! I thought that the reader could really feel Starfire’s emotions, whether she was helplessly struggling or fighting with determination, and even her guilt and discomfort were understandable.

But I especially liked the ending… VERY exciting. The two are just on the brink of meeting, and neither of them expects anything. (Definitely a squee-worthy moment XD.) I thought there was also a very nice touch of humor (subtle and not out of context) as well. Robin was acting like an arrogant little rat, which I found very amusing indeed… XD

Anyway, keep up the good work! Next time, don’t make me wait so long, especially since it’s no longer background information and the actual story is just beginning! X3
Meg chapter 1 . 3/15/2006
OH MY GOSH! That was incredible! You portrayed the tension between Robin and Batman beautifully! Keep up the great work! _
XxDulce.Beat chapter 1 . 3/10/2006
this is very good all fisrt writer work hard on their fisrt chapterz lol me to im still working on chapter 3 of my story havent updated in a LONG! time but im working on it *cough* :) lol yeah...wellz this was great cant read to read more and how star fits in all of this update asap! i will keep reading!
JP chapter 1 . 3/5/2006
First to review! ~ From your [messed-up] cousin, JP. D


Aw, you're really too kind. *squee*

But anyway, back to the story...

So good! Too good! Oh geez, where to begin…

Well, first off, the story is certainly VERY believable and very probable. I must say that I enjoyed it very much.

As for the characters… wow. You did an excellent job with that. I may have no idea what Batman should sound like, but I understand (sort of not really XD) Robin’s character enough to know that your depiction of him is amazing. I could really hear his voice (or I suppose his voice actor’s voice) speaking in my head. Furthermore, I thought his attitude during the entire ordeal was brilliant and consistent, and in character as well.

The mood was certainly the strongest point of your story though in my opinion. I loved the atmosphere you created and retained throughout the entire chapter, and I believe a reader can really feel Robin’s desperate need to prove himself, and then later, to escape. It was fantastic!

Anyway, keep up the magnificent work! I look forward to reading more chapters from you. X3