Reviews for This Innocent
Guest chapter 1 . 11/27/2019
Giles had no excuse because when Angel was Angelus; the soul was gone and became evil because that is who Angelus is; Giles does not want to accept that he himself did this with his soul intact. Giles has no excuse
Missy Skywalker chapter 1 . 4/15/2012
Very beautiful and in-character.
Coroxn chapter 1 . 2/25/2011
Oh my God. Wow, just wow. It strikes me, just how well you caught the characters, just how well you caught the feel of the Bufyverse, the feel of the show. Maybe you are Joss Whedon's son.

It's well written. Striking, it messes with your heart, not in a tearful way, but in a way that condemns you to read on. I especially like the italicized text, of Buffy's thoughts. It really does have the self pitying alchaholic feel.

I couldn't find fault with it. A really terrific piece.
Springrain chapter 1 . 8/28/2009
I can't think of any intelligent or coherant review beyodn that I liked this story, and think that it fits very well between their characters.
dancingfirefly124 chapter 1 . 10/27/2007
Very good. I really like how you make them both confront the ways they've betrayed Buffy despite loving her and sort of come to terms with each other.
Lastew chapter 1 . 10/16/2007
This was very good! It was very descriptive and you nicely got us into Giles's head. I never thought about a confrontation like this. You did an excellent job showing us the pain of both parties. Well done, you!
Saraton chapter 1 . 3/9/2006
A really strong story! I like it, it is a look in the souls of two very tortured men...
Jason Barnett chapter 1 . 2/28/2006
I don't like it. Honestly it's well written, but I don't think Angel would let Giles turn it around if he was that angry. He'd say something like "it took perfect happiness to turn me into the thing I used to be for me to try to kill Buffy, all it took were orders from the Council for you to do it."

He could've pointed out the number of times he could've killed them, but he didn't when he was Angel, that murder never occured to him then.