Reviews for Still Frame
deleted9 chapter 7 . 6/16/2010, that was a great scene as can just feel all the lovely tension! I love them together, I can't help it...might be a unrealistic pairing for some but its very enjoyable to me and you write them brilliantly! Great job!
deleted9 chapter 6 . 6/16/2010
Holy cow...I really thought he was the killer for a second haha I was kinda sad. You wrote that dream brilliantly though, it's just like something that would be in a tv series confuse you even more! Great chapter!
deleted9 chapter 5 . 6/16/2010
I agree...I don't necessarily like lying to people...but just not telling the whole story sometimes saves people from a lot of pain. I just love their bickering...they are both so intelligent and fast with their insults and retorts, it's a fun conversation to watch. Plus, his flirting is very fun to see...especially since the lady seems to protest a bit too much, I'd say. I think Levi is a bit too mundane how he ended that convo! Great chapter!
deleted9 chapter 4 . 6/16/2010
I like stories with her and Ron not together...I get why they are together in the book finale of sorts...but I just am not that fond of Ron. It's nice that Kingsly is looking out for her. Aww, he did just compliment her. Levi seems like a nice guy though to backtrack...not sure about him though ha. Ahhh...I love the ending...sigh, what a lovely kiss scene. Sad that she has a boyfriend, but still...gotta hand it to Draco Malfoy...quite the charmer! Great chapter!
deleted9 chapter 3 . 6/16/2010
It might be worth that hah...soo just kidding. ""I didn't know snakes could dream." I like that! This is getting very peculiar, that's for sure. Investigating a murder has to be hard on caring people, that's for sure. Has to take a lot out of you especially when you aren't positive your clint is innocent. Great chapter!
deleted9 chapter 2 . 6/16/2010
Draco Malfoy is such a fascinating character to me. I don't care how evil he may or may not be, I'm pretty sure meeting an actual book representation of him would be quite thrilling haha. It's no wonder he gets so many girls. Some of us are too attracted to the bad boys. Anyway, great chapter!
deleted9 chapter 1 . 6/16/2010
The whole or prove me guilty doesn't sound so good...I can definitely see her in this job haha, but I've never read a story with her like this before. This should be quite fun, that's for sure. I do hope he didn't kill them though haha...I mean, especially since if he did he apparently doesn't know he did. That's never good. Great chapter!
kean-srhuin chapter 6 . 4/9/2010
I'm intrigued! Was that a dream, or a vision? ;) Write on, dear author!
everytimeyoulookatme chapter 6 . 2/26/2010
please update soon! its very suspenseful and i cant wait to see what happens next
GrnHen chapter 2 . 4/30/2007
interesting start. I'm hooked love a good mystery. Original plot very original can't wait to see how it turns out.:) update soon
In Dreams chapter 2 . 4/28/2007
Incredible. I'm so excited to see where this ends up going. Very in character and realistic so far.
marajade64 chapter 1 . 12/21/2006
I just came across this story...and I like it...I hope you continue..I always love a good mystery..and you had this chapter moving right along and wanting more at the end. Keep up the good work:)
cutiek028 chapter 1 . 10/28/2006
A TWELVE YEAR OLD? HE WAS SLEEPING WITH A TWELVE YEAR OLD? What, is malfoy a pedophile or something in this fanfic?

I don't Draco Malfoy would ever do that!