Reviews for Strange meeting
Timemidae chapter 1 . 7/9
Really exquisite! I love the final line.
Anon chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
That was brilliant ;)
WhyMustIWrite chapter 1 . 6/2/2013
Strange meeting, indeed!
This is a wonderful sequel, and I love how Aragorn & Faramir's first conversation takes place in such an environment. I really hope you've written more about these two.
But let me backtrack. I was truly impressed by the start, where you describe the aftermath & cleaning up on the Pellanor. I love how you incorporate all sorts of people into the story, from the farmers to the soldiers. You have a great awareness of the many different elements of this world and how they work together. Also, you have a good mind for the political, as well as the emotional. I love that Aragorn completed his healing with words- and that you pointed out how important it was that Faramir's company held the Fords as long as they did, as well as how important it was to Faramir to know that his men had not died in vain. I love how you tie in his feelings for Eowyn. Also, I adore his selflessness in potentially turning down a princedom in favor of securing Beregond's life - not to mention that the gesture was unnecessary. Aragorn's wisdom and gentleness really came out in this story. Now I'm just rambling, aren't I? ...I really am tired, and ought to be do I stop reading?
Wheelrider chapter 1 . 4/3/2011
And ditto for this second part. Such a good job with characterization and dialogue. Bravo!
Mikkalea Luna chapter 1 . 2/21/2011
I loved it!

Your characterisation is very good! And I loved the disagreeable neighbours :-)
Emily chapter 1 . 12/10/2009
The Sackville-Bagginses are everywhere, it seems. On the Pelennor Fields! : )
Oshun chapter 1 . 5/30/2006
Absolutely magnificent story. I read your prequel "Black Hour" first and then a discriminating reader tipped me that this one existed as well. There are so many things I liked about it. I have not read a better description of the aftermath of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields (detailed and grim, without being disgustingly graphic). Also loved the careful exposition of what Faramir would have been doing between March and May. The characterizations of Faramir and Aragorn are on point. Your ability to tell such a serious story with just the right touches of light humor drives me mad with envy! I see that both stories have been nominated for the MEFA awards site and will be sure to give them lengthy reviews!

Thanks for sharing and congratulations on the awesome accomplishment!

Altariel chapter 1 . 4/7/2006
Rereading, and just wanted to say how I love your dialogue.

‘Who’s there? Friend or foe of Gondor?’

The answering voice was tinged with amusement.


And thank you for the lark.
Altariel chapter 1 . 3/4/2006
‘Why did you bring me back?’ I said, not knowing, until I heard my own voice, what I would say.

‘Two reasons. First, you needed me. Second, I needed you.’

Perfect. Wonderful first conversation, as the start and the style of both friendship and 'working relationship' are set.
Laerien chapter 1 . 2/15/2006
This was very nice!

I was very surprised at the beginning, I had no idea where you are leading me... I certainly didn't expect this kind of story! :o)

The conversation between Aragorn and Faramir was wonderful. What I loved the most was when Faramir remembered Bergil's words, and asked for Beregond's life.

Thank you. I enjoyed this very much!
simbelymyrne chapter 1 . 2/12/2006
I very much enjoyed this gap-filler. It is the type of story that I always wished I could have - a story about the first meeting of two strong, intelligent men.

Your characters of Faramir and Aragorn were true to Tolkein. Thank you.
RavenRose chapter 1 . 2/12/2006
What a lovely, well thought response to the dealings between Faramir and Aragorn. I have always been dissappointed in the way Tolkien left out certain scenes. Thank you for filling the gaps. I hope you continue to write for I enjoy your writing. Raven.
Angranse chapter 1 . 2/11/2006
Ah, I love this enormously. Your writing is so - I don't know how to put it - picturesque. Vivid. Visual. I would like to tell you my favourite parts of this, but there isn't a line I didn't love. (Although, the last line made me laugh out loud.)

There's a real sense of movement and change in this. Faramir's smooth progress from distrust and resentment to joy and love is both realistic and touching. This Faramir is both plausible and in character and a delight to read. You know how very occasionally you come across a character that you *like*, actually *like*, as if they were a friend? I like this Faramir. I wish I knew him. I didn't get that from the LotR, but I got it from this and Black Hour.

So, thank you very very much. I'd love to read more about Faramir and Aragorn, but either way, thank you for this wonderful story.
lindahoyland chapter 1 . 2/11/2006
This was just beautiful and full of good things.I like the idea that Faramir and Aragorn talked prior to the coronation and was touched at Faramir's concern for Beregond.

Were you thinking of Wilfrid Owen's poem when you chose your title for this atmospheric story? thanks for a good read.
Redone chapter 1 . 2/10/2006
Very nice! Loved the dialogue, and the way their characters shone through - from Fara's thoughts and Aragorn's amused expression :)
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