Reviews for On All Fours
ArtisteFish chapter 10 . 12/10/2017
I know this hasn’t been updated in a while, but I just want to say I LOVE this story! The way you’re handling the premise is so great, and Inuyasha’s reactions to everything are so perfect and in character. I love this! And I loved him getting defensive of Kagome in this chapter! I really hope there will be an update at some point, but either way this story is going on my favorites list!
Alannada chapter 10 . 5/3/2017
Aww, such a great piece! So sad it isn't complete:/ I'd love to see Inuyasha change back in front of Kagome and see her reaction
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 10 . 2/13/2016
Oh this chapter was loads of fun. I like the way things developed. The way you had Inuyasha being competitive was just so in character. And then Inuyasha in a way defending Kagome's honor. Oh man this was awesome.

It's also pretty interesting how much detail is put into Inuyasha's perspective in the scene. It's very refreshing and gives everything a humorous light. Also all the dogs when they talk together have this sense of camaraderie, that's very interesting.

I like the pace this is going at! It's very easy going! I look forward to more!
Grapefruit Wannabe
general zargon chapter 10 . 2/13/2016
LOL, loved this chapter. Liked how Inuyasha suddenly turned into the perfect 'good dog' when Kagome was insulted. ;P I wish you luck on your writing!
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 9 . 2/7/2016
Well this is super interesting so far! I am really enjoying this. I like the chaos Inuyasha is indurning. So KAgome is going to have to train him? This will be fun.

I wonder what Kagome will do about the shard hunt now. I do feel bad that Inuyasha is being treated as a dog. But I'm sure this will out figure it self out smoothly. I am having great fun reading this.

Thanks for the great chapter! I can't wait for more!
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 8 . 2/7/2016
That's played out hilariously. Inuyasha sure showed those "demons" a thing or two. I am just dying over the Vet's reaction at the end. But Buyo in this is so amazing. I like how he's almost jealous of the attention Kagome is giving Inuyasha. It's so entertaining for me.

I was kinda hoping for more fluffy InuKago moments but I'm kinda InuKag trash so you can take that as you will haha.

Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 7 . 2/7/2016
Okay I've finally stopped laughing enough to write something. Good grief. This is just one hilarious ride. Oh poor Inuyasha. I really have no idea what to expect from this.

I am surprised that Kagome's not out looking for Inuyasha right now. She's got to know something is up. Seeing as he hasn't come to get her and she has his clothing. But what do I know this is only chapter 7.

Oh this is seriously too good.
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 6 . 2/7/2016
I can't wait for alone time with Kagome and "Taisho"! It's such a great name. And Inuyasha is able to see some light in this otherwise crippling position he's in. I still wonder if he's still got any demon abilities in. Like can he fight? Is he able to go through the well? Oh so many questions I have.

But this story is lots of fun. Thank you for this. To the next chapter!
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 5 . 2/7/2016
This chapter amused me to no end. Kagome's thoughts on how she shouldn't have adopted him as she'll have to leave makes this all very interesting.

Inuyasha's dog like reactions to whenever she's around, just, complete me. It's unbelievably cute. I wonder how Inuyasha is going to get out of this.

And I know I'm to late and the next chapter is already up. But please no names like Fluffy and Snowball. While funny, it's hard to take them seriously. But I guess whatever happens happens.

Grapefruit Wannabe
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 4 . 2/7/2016
I am in love with how you have planned this out thus far. It's does things to my insides that Kagome was compelled to adopt Inuyasha without anything but a gut feeling.

I still can't quiet picture what Inuyasha looks like as a dog. So I shall now picture him as a big white fluffy thing until proven otherwise. Excuse me while I go draw this.

Grapefruit Wannabe
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 3 . 2/7/2016
Kagome's worrying about Inuyasha really gets to me. I love it.

I love how you describe things. Especially Inuyasha experiencing a change in his body and how his senses have changes. It was, so good. I could see it all so clearly. But poor Inuyasha fell down THOSE stairs?! Ouch. Hmm does he still have demon healing in this form? Should I imagine him as a big dog? Or a small one? I bet the next chapter will explain.

Oh I can't wait to find out what happens next.
Grapefruit Wannabe
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 2 . 2/7/2016
Haha, poor Inuyasha. He gets so antsy when Kagome is just a little late. It's like he forgets everything else.

This girl is so strange. I know you explain parts of what is is last chapter. She's just so powerful. It's interesting to see where this will all lead up to.

I like that Kagome's always worried about Inuyasha (and my god when she thought he would turn up naked I legit laughed)

Grapefruit Wannabe
Grapefruit Wannabe chapter 1 . 2/7/2016
Kagome begging Inuyasha to let her go is actually hilarious. I enjoyed that. Oh and the curse is one that Kagome accidentally casts? Oh this gets even better.
windbreaking chapter 9 . 2/6/2016
Obedience competition. lol Inuyasha has no manners and a bad temper. What a funny idea!
general zargon chapter 9 . 2/6/2016
Well, if Inuyasha finds out that obedience courses are a way to avoid being neutered, I think he'd do pretty well. :) He's also competitive, so he'd want to outshine the other dogs. I enjoyed this chapter, and I wish you the best of luck on your writing!
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