Reviews for Stand
Corina O chapter 21 . 6/7/2013
JeremieAce chapter 21 . 7/31/2010
I liked the story, but heck, it scared me a little. It's 4:33 am here and still reading it. Congratulations, I've never read a story like this one.
Rendezvous Haver chapter 21 . 12/10/2008
Very interesting and good! I think though that the Sissi/Odd and Jeremie/Aelita needed some closure. You did focus mostly on Yumi and Ulrich. Very symbolic. Good job!
myth buster chapter 21 . 8/24/2008
Interesting story- they need the virtue of faith to withstand the trials, lest they die. If they sin, they die.
The Mad shoe1 chapter 21 . 10/15/2007
Now this is what i call a CL fic, great work!
Life-so-unnecessary chapter 21 . 10/2/2007
natdrat00 chapter 16 . 1/25/2007
As I read through this I am left in awe. this is a very well written story, you have far better skill with a pen than I, I keep reading, enjoying it.
natdrat00 chapter 5 . 1/25/2007
That was a great, if disturbing. I continue reading this wonderful series with a new definition of M.
Adran06 chapter 21 . 12/15/2006
even though I finished this story a while ago, i went to this chapter to a review (again maybe, cant remember if i reviewed before) to ask a few things about your stories. First, about how far into the future is the scene when Abagail is born? Like, is it after Jeremie and Aelita are married? or what? give me an idea of when this happens please. Then my other question, I have read your stories up to Finding Franz Hopper, but I'm having trouble figuring out what to read next to continue reading them in at least semi-chonological order. do you have any idea what would come next? I read everything below it, with the exception of things i could tell were set in the future by the first few paragraphs. I did cheat before i knew i was cheating though, by reading the one when Jeremie and Aelita get married first, before Stand, because i didnt know there was a "before". It would at least help if the stories had author notes in the begining telling us what stories happen right before it, and at the same time, maybe even what happens next.
Adran06 chapter 11 . 12/13/2006
Because i feel like it, for once, i'm gonna review right after i read a chapter and before i finish. I really wish i had started at the beginning of this, series i guess you could call it, of stories, but since i didnt, i finally understand what i read earlier, as i can clearly see what they more or less just did at the end of this story, especially with Odd's kneeling on one knee, and Sissi saying "I do," and it explains SOO much. Pretty quick of them to go from "i dont like you" kinda people to more or less married to eachother, even if it isnt in the eyes of the law, but definately not bad. Impressive job so far.
Magus Black chapter 21 . 11/21/2006
I kneel before the might of your story.
Allysinnia chapter 21 . 11/14/2006
I am simply in awe of your story-telling ablities. I have never read a story like this before- this is amazing. I've not read any Stephen King novels, they'd give me nightmares, but this story has left me in shock.
Superkoz chapter 21 . 7/25/2006

GREAT i loved this fan fiction. it is now 2:23 and because i was so into reading it i didn't even realise it was dark

lol, shows how great you really are :D

BTW is there a sequal?
idash5 chapter 21 . 4/7/2006
Wow, I am impressed my friend. An excellant ending. I must say, you caught me off guard with the intensity and passion of your story, but it was very good. Very good indeed. I may just have to read "The Stand" now. A great read, this has been.
Merridian chapter 21 . 2/11/2006
Incredible writing. Simply incredible writing. I have been meaning to write a review on this story for quite a while, but haven't gotten the chance, unfortunately. The only critique I could offer would be the way you presented the childrens' Stand- the part where they're seperated and tortured. I know the chapter was quite long already, but I couldn't help but feel as though each of the childrens' stands were too short, too nondescript compared to how you wrote the other chapters and scenes.

but maybe that's just me. anyway, great story. I look forward to reading and reviewing your other surely fantastic works.
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