Reviews for Envy of the Wolverine
ParadigmShift81 chapter 2 . 6/12
Bruh... you’re brave ... writing a Benoit story...
angelheartlovely chapter 18 . 3/1
I love it this story is amazing
Guest chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Please update this series is really good.
Guest chapter 19 . 1/1/2019
Please update
MissMartinez chapter 19 . 7/9/2017
Please update this story. You've gotta. It's really interesting and I wanna see what happens next. Please? Pretty please with little hearts and cherries on top with hearts and kisses too?
RazorRamona chapter 19 . 3/11/2016
You should update.
CassiesCoolerThanYou chapter 19 . 2/4/2014
Please start writing this story again! I HAVE TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS! Please update! (insert best puppy dog face)
Guest chapter 19 . 8/3/2013
i think you should've kept writing.
Blairx6661 chapter 15 . 3/19/2011
Yessssss! This chapter was totally cute, I'm really happy i found this story today!

AshleyBM chapter 19 . 11/29/2009
Dont take this story out. Its interesting. Please continue to update this story.
colossus.key chapter 19 . 4/18/2009
ok so i know that its been a while since u have updated this, but please don't give up! there are a lot of die hard chris benoit fans out there (myself included) and we would all be crushed if u gav eup on this story! its incredibly well written, and seriously, they just kissed! u can't leave it at that!
Soul Harvest chapter 19 . 3/21/2009
I just finished reading the first chapter of this. Is there any chance you could continue this story? I'm one of those die-hard Chris Benoit fans. I've loved and respected him ever since I first saw him, and the rumors surrounding his death did nothing to change my views. He was the greatest of all time, cut down in his prime. I cried the night I learned of his death. Please continue it if you can.
Evil Woman chapter 19 . 12/2/2007
Don't stop writing it! While Chris Benoit's death was really tragic, I still maintain my belief that Chris Benoit was a great man. If there were problems in his homelife, someone might've known but that still shouldn't change anyone's opinion that Chris was a phenomonal wrestler. And people should use a little common sense. Chris was literally like two days away from getting a championship. If he strived for championships, why would he kill himself so close to getting one? This whole event smells really fishy to me or maybe I'm just a conspiracy theorist. Please don't stop writing. Despite the Benoit tragedy, we should all still remember the man we loved to see wrestle.

RIP Chris Benoit, you can never be replaced or forgotten.

takerschick chapter 19 . 11/28/2007

I love reading your story. I don't think you should take Envy of the Wolverine and It's Time to Talk off. I look forward to reading them every time you update, but it is up toyou if you want to kep updateing them or take them off. If you choose to take them off i will be very disappointed.

PunkFan1992 chapter 19 . 11/27/2007
omg noo please continue i luv this story
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