Reviews for A Promise for Christmas
pinkperson chapter 13 . 3/22/2012
aw. what a sweet story. i love what you did w/ the terrorist. and the laguna/squall moments were good,too. your characterization of laguna was better than many stories i read that had him as the main character. i wish you wrote more stories for ff8.
pinkperson chapter 10 . 3/22/2012
'These people had ruined Christmas and now they had to pay.'

perfect ending to this chapter :P. i love this story. it makes me think of when i was a kid. although, honestly, i don't think i ever believed in santa.
pinkperson chapter 8 . 3/22/2012
haha, Laguna still believes in Santa. :) this story is so cute. Squall easily thinking like a terrorist was funny,too.
pinkperson chapter 6 . 3/22/2012
hehe, Rinoa's childhood memory of her dad cursing was cute. Can't wait for Laguna's entrance :)
pinkperson chapter 4 . 3/21/2012
very sweet. Nice moment between Rinoa and her father. This is the first story I've read about their relationship. I wonder if Squall will propose to Rinoa by the end of this story (going by the fact that marriage pops up in this chapter).
pinkperson chapter 3 . 3/21/2012
Cute. Anal Squall amused me. Guess Zell isn't the only anal one, then :P And so true about voices carrying inside a house. That annoys me to no end, lol. Anyway, this is a good story so far and I'm very glad I came across your stories :)
pinkperson chapter 2 . 3/21/2012
The letters to santa in the first chapter were cute. This is a great idea for a story and I'm liking how you're handling it so far (even if it's just the very beginning). It was funny when Rinoa hit Squall for scolding her when he says he calls his dad 'nothing'.
gleamfang chapter 13 . 4/17/2011
Very nicely done. Beautiful how you tied in a christmas wish of Squall's into Rinoa's gift. The unwrappable one not the wearable one *wink*.

I like how you kept the couple's love alive and burning strong in this fic as I personally believe that Squall and Rinoa should and are treasuring each other always especially since it is very post game.

I also loved your ending as I love nice Squinoa endings so thanks for making my night with your sweet story.


Keep writing!
blindedstarlight chapter 13 . 10/4/2010
This story is absolutely beautiful :)

I really enjoyed the way you portrayed Squall's emotions is just enough concentration to personify Squall as simply... himself :D

I haven't read such a great story is years and quite honestly, you've rekindled my love for reading and writing in .

So really, I must say a huge thank you to you :)

This story really reminded me just how much I love to write... strange, I know but I work in a very strange way XD

The emotions, the setting and description, the plot... it all had such a magical and rejuvenating element to it! I really enjoyed this story!

Ah, I feel so refreshed :D


Turk 4 Life
cheerlygal chapter 13 . 7/28/2010
Lovely ending for such a lovely story! I hope to hear more from you soon! Love the whole story!

The Squall and Rinoa scene is so lovely! Squall finally embrace Christmas and they seems to recite their wedding vows to each other:) Maybe one day they can share the joy of Christmas with their children one day:)

Meadow Dweller chapter 13 . 7/24/2010
that was an AMAZING finale! satisfying and epic :'D u have done an awesome job

this brings tears to my eyes! i hope u write another squinoa :) if not, *sigh, pout*
Saber Wing chapter 13 . 7/24/2010, that was a cute end. Every girly part of my was squealing with delight. I'm a hopeless romantic at heart _. Fantastic job sticking with this. I commend you for never giving up on it, even though there were many hurdles to jump over. You should be proud of yourself.
celticskyedancer chapter 13 . 7/24/2010
Aw. This ending was so heartfelt and romantic, I want to cry (a good kind of crying). Thanks so much for this story. I can't believe it took you almost five years to write, but it was worth it.

P.S. Squall would be smug about destroying innocent silk and lace.
rach981 chapter 13 . 7/23/2010
Aww! such a sweet ending to this series! I really enjoyed it! Squall telling Rinoa that she made Christmas for him was so sweet, and same with Rinoa's promise to Squall. Such a fitting ending, he likes Christmas. Great job, I truly did enjoy the story!
chrisVIII chapter 12 . 7/20/2010
:) this chapter brought a smile on my face even if it certainly wasn't the intention. No it wasn't a funny chapter but it was sweet to see Squall and Laguna struggle in their own way and I can fell the happy end coming. That made me smile...

About Seifer, it was ok to read his name in passing I honestly didn't really notice and though it wasn#t explained or detailled, there wasn't the need to detail it either. So, it's not an "error", call it a guest start appearance in the chapter


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