Reviews for Unforgiven
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 10/21/2011
It really puts a different spin on things when Ed has to explain everything to his daughter. It brings out a completely different side of him. You set it up well.

Evil Little Dog chapter 1 . 9/16/2007
I found this one by poking around on FFN today and am glad I did. It's a lovely look at Ed's life through the eyes of his daughter and Lizzie seems through and through like a combination of her parents. Your work continues to delight me and I wish there was more of it.

I notice you say you're in FL in your author's notes...I want to come home again, despite Hurrican Charlie chasing me out of the state. Ah...someday soon, I hope to have my Halloweens taking place at Disney World and my days full of sunshine again. *laugh* What college? I graduated from Flagler about a billion years ago...
omasuoniwabanshi chapter 1 . 8/2/2007
Lovely story. Sweet, caring, tender, and Ed makes a wonderful father figure. Good job.
Apathetic Empath2 chapter 1 . 2/27/2006
I was going to respond to the replies you sent me, but then I remembered that you had another fic that I hadn't read yet and... well, yeah. I'm here.

Ah... this was great. For starters, I love the realisticness of the Elric-Rockbell family. Elizabeth is a child of Edward and Winry through and through. It was so Edward-like of her not to wait and think things over for herself when she heard kids talking about her father in school; she went right to the source. And I loved the emotion she showed when Edward explained what he had done (she definitely gets that from her mother).

You have an intristic and almost frightening understanding for the characters of the series. Domestic life has changed him, brought out a softer side, however the wounds he received from his sin is still there. You portrayed this beautifully with your descriptions of how Edward just randomly stares off into space, or the visits to his mother's grave (which is natural, though it means so much more in Edward's case), and even how he kind of falls back into his past while he's explaining his sin to Elizabeth.

Edward's honesty with his daughter is something one should expect from him, given his nature, however you took it to a whole new level. I applaud you. Really. This is the kind of fic that everyone looks for and can never find-the kind that you (or at least I) read two and three times whenever I find one. You're deserving of any compliments you receive from me and everyone else. You're a marvelous writer, and there needs to be more of your kind.

With the shortage of good fanfiction on the net nowadays, we often settle for less. Quality and grammar and characterization and plot and just everything are things a lot of writers (including myself, sometimes) seem to lack. Your writing proves that yes, there are still good writers, and gives a glimmering example of what excellent fanfiction truly is.

Ah. Hope I didn't sound to cheesy.

Once again, awesome work.
