Reviews for Binary
Lemon-Chan84 chapter 12 . 5/9/2009

Easily one of the best fic's I've ever read. Yes, it's sad. So sad that I was on the verge of tears during the goodbye on the ship. Selphie is my lil' homie too but her death didn't take away from the value. I'm going to read Emersion now with a small hope that Squall will be found, in one piece.

Keep writing and I'll keep reading and reviewing!
Lemon-Chan84 chapter 2 . 5/9/2009
Wow! This story is great so far. Honestly it's better than I expected. Usually when an author chooses to re-create a scene, it sounds the same. Not only did you re-create the scene, you also filled in the blanks with thought processes and emotions. I can't wait to see how the change in the story progresses.
Sprung Queen chapter 12 . 5/17/2008
You have a gift for writing!

I loved this story!

I almost finished it in one sitting!

You put so much emotion && you pay attention to so much detail.

This is one of my favorite stories! :D
amber chapter 10 . 8/28/2007
beautiful story...

I wish i had more patience to read it more thoroughly...The plot, intense as it is, does not really allow me to do that. I wanted to know what would happen next so bad.

The moments of sorrow are so well written, and almost drove me to tears. The poem in chapter 10 is-just-heartbreaking. Did you write it? In fact, I unconsciously try to read fast because I am afraid to be shaken emotionally. not exaggerating...very well done. You've got a new fan! Please finish the sequel to this story soon.
Ojuuh chapter 10 . 7/19/2007
Your story.. This story.. It was nothing short of excellent. I enjoyed reading every moment of it and now my eyes are too blurry to properly type so sorry for the spelling mistakes here. But honestly, this was amazing. I just finished it a number of seconds ago and I have no clue whatsoever as to why I never read this sooner..

The characters were portrayed fantastically in fact, everything was.. I was teary eyed when I read that Selphie didn't make it but this last chapter.. I've never cried so much at a story. So I thank you for that.. I needed a good cry.

And Quistis... What a biznatch, why did she have to be so mean? Saying it wasn't the right choice to bring Rinoa first is understandable as she doesn't know her as well as Squall etc.. But still, evil woman. .

I actually really enjoyed the 'Seifer' chapter. It was quite humourous when Rinoa said Seifer instead of Squall.. I aughed quite a bit at that. XD

Well... Thank you once again! Your story.. ROCKED! 'Nuff said. :] And now! I see you have posted it a sequel.. Muhahaha! :D
J.L. Zielesch chapter 12 . 3/31/2007
Thank you so much.
Queen000 chapter 12 . 3/7/2007
That was a nice prologue. A tad short, but it didn't need to be overbearingly long to get its point across.

I can't wait to read the next bit of this sequel.

ciao *waves*

Synphony in X Major chapter 12 . 3/7/2007
I am so excited to finally see part of the sequel!

As soon as you mentioned it I was on the edge of my seat waiting!

Thanks so much for continuing the story

I cant wait to see what you have in store!
Aurona chapter 12 . 3/7/2007
OH. MY. GOD. I am so pumped for this sequel! God! Just post it up already! LOL Don't worry, I know it's tough being a writer. Go at your own pace, blah blah blah.

I.. might've already said this, but I'll say it again: this one's gonna be even better than Binary. I can feel it. I thought you said that it was going to be called "Immersion", though. Hm, never mind. Haha, anyway, one more question: WHY is Squall disfigured? Isn't that what you're implying in your profile? His hot, cute, sexy face was RUINED? Now that's just downright cruel (yet realistic, *sigh*). Luckily it's the written word we're dealing with here and not an FMV. - How brutally realistic, and just in time for Spring Break. If this fic distracts me from writing mine, though, ahem, you'll hear it from me! -

Love ya,

Kit Kat
Snipersnake111 chapter 12 . 3/6/2007
Yay a sequel!

Can't wait to read more.
LastoftheChosen chapter 12 . 3/5/2007
I love it! Please hurry up and post the sequel! I can't wait!
Orca0212 chapter 11 . 3/4/2007
Rarely can someone evoke that sense of reminiscence (sp?) about the locale of the story. The epilogue really brought it full circle for me.

Superb piece...that deserves a sequel.
Aurona chapter 11 . 2/17/2007
I... finished it! - Yay! Aw, that ending... geez, this thing really deserves that sequel. Such a tearjerker. But can I just complain about one thing? Don't make people say, "Thank Hyne" instead of "Thank God", and don't replace the word "God" with "Hyne" anywhere. It just sounds really dumb. I know that everyone on the FF8 sub-community does it, but for crying out loud, don't be like that. Here, I'll hook you up to a post that'll explain:

But anyway, other than that minor thing (I love the details best, ha ha), great job! I'm looking forward to the sequel.
XxPhoenix BladexX chapter 11 . 11/17/2006
OMG you hafta do a sequel! Squall cant be dead cos no body no death! LOL )
Synphony in X Major chapter 10 . 10/26/2006
I already left a review for the epilogue, so I have to leave htis one on this chapter. Anyway, please make a sequel to this story. Even if it was just a oneshot or fluff, make the ending happy. Pretty please? :]
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