Reviews for Reflection
yllom21 chapter 1 . 5/23/2008
Wow, this is so sad but so accurate. I can't imagine the pilots being okay right after the war. They'll hold their scars for life. You wrote this very well. I loved Duo's pov and the pairings. Well done.
Knyghtshade chapter 1 . 9/8/2007
It was good!
Sutoomu chapter 1 . 12/10/2005
This odd ficlet was-and this I swear with all my heart-a pure, genius STROKE OF BRILLIANCE! I mean, how the hell do you coem up with these ideas? They're awesome! Damn, I wish I could think up ideas as good as yours. People say my ideas are good-though they're dirt compared to yours-but my problem is I have too many normal ideas! This is just awesome!

Abi2 chapter 1 . 12/10/2005
it was an interesting fic, well written and fairly understandable. the bit at the end was a bit harder, but i still understood it, great job.