Reviews for Our Cartography
Yemi Hikari chapter 5 . 6/8/2019
Why don’t they have an oar? The writer is still making excuses for not really thinking the story through, because boats would actually be equipped with an oar, but this completely ignores the fact Katara can Waterbend and Zuko can Firebend meaning they can take turns propelling themselves in the direction they needed to go.

Speaking of things the writer didn’t think of as they were writing – the wound. The writer openly admits they have zero medical expertise and tells the reader that’s good enough reason for us to not “try to apply scientific knowledge to what you’re about to read. Just go with it. Like movie!science. It doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to fit with the plot.”

Sorry, but no. Movie science gets called out for the people working on the movie not doing their research, as such the writer does as well. Particularly since Zuko should have been showing signs of not being well in the earlier chapters. The wound was a last minute add on.

I’m done, at least with this story. If the writer has to knowingly ask the readers to suspend their willingness to disbelief they’ve failed in the fact they know the readers would have a reason to do so, yet couldn’t be bothered to do anything about it. It would be one thing if the writer simply apologized for getting anything wrong, but instead the writer openly states that the readers should ignore the mistakes because it apparently doesn’t matter.

It does.
Yemi Hikari chapter 4 . 6/8/2019
Sorry, but I don’t like the way the writer brushed off legit criticism of their work simply because they want to focus on the conversations which really don’t flow together well. The conversations are in fact random, but there is no conversation regarding how to get to shore. However, that’s not the worst part which was the actual complaint from the original reviewer – that the writer was focusing to much on the random conversations rather than conversations about how to get out of the situation and thus acting on them. Let’s not forget the fact the first conversation brought up a question regarding Aang that never got answered – why killing Katara would mean Zuko would never capture Aang.

The worst part is the writer made the situation even more ridiculous. How could her Waterbending only take them within 50 miles of land when they would have been within that range in the first place? How can a current or gust suddenly come up and carry them 600 miles in the wrong direction unless we’re talking a storm which the writer never once mentions. The writer talks about people getting lost in modern times despite GPS, charts and radar, yet getting lost is less common than before, yet the writer never touched upon “random storm that blew them off course” in their story.

What the writers and their readers thought was a good answer really isn't one.
Yemi Hikari chapter 3 . 6/8/2019
Let me get this straight. Katara is only “pretty confident” post-finale for the first season? She’s actually “pretty confident” from episode one where she’s chewing Sokka out for being sexist. For something focused on their conversations – as the summary says, there is a major lack thereof, but the story skips a lot of important information. I know some writers like to skip stuff because they’re boring to write, but those boring parts are just as important as the ones the writer REALLY wants to write.

I’m also looking at the reviews for the chapter and I’ve got to agree with another reviewer about the whole “helpless Katara couldn’t bend her way out of a wet paper sack” comment. I’m not understanding WHY they’re stranded for so long, particularly since they’re – because the writer changed time frame – in the Northern Water Tribe territory.
Yemi Hikari chapter 2 . 6/8/2019
So, on top of missing how they got there in the boat we’re missing the first part of the conversation? I’m assuming the conversation started with “why are you trying to capture the Avatar”, yet there could be so much between the start and the first line we get. We then jump into him pushing her. The last part is – confusing honestly.
Yemi Hikari chapter 1 . 6/8/2019
Is this really where the beginning of the story, or did the writer just want to skip over how they got into the situation they did? Of course, the writer may be attempting to pull a narrative technique off that I’ve seen in other works where they do go into the small details before hand yet brush them off. I’m wondering if some of the small details are missing.
Guest chapter 16 . 4/8/2019
zuko sure is getting bashed by katara. that sure wouldn't do anything to make me more inclined to play nice if someone acted like that towards me
Rainforest chapter 16 . 4/20/2018
I love this story
Please update
california poppyseed chapter 4 . 3/25/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 3/3/2017
Luna Deathstroke chapter 16 . 7/9/2015
When is it going to het romantic?I know pathetic but come on...
Guest chapter 14 . 7/9/2015
Guest chapter 13 . 7/9/2015
Holding v
Back so much laughter...literally chocking on it!
Can't laugh very late might wake up mom o tron!
Guest chapter 12 . 7/9/2015
Seriously barbarian?And come on..(to author Good chpt )
Guest chapter 11 . 7/9/2015
Ugh..Why so short?(pleading is the chpts going to be more detailed as well?)
Luna Deathstroke chapter 10 . 7/9/2015
I'm now worried for Katara and Zuko who is this man and what will he do to them?
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