Reviews for The Pajama Game
The Joker nah chapter 1 . 12/9/2019
Uhhh how do i start, well i really enjoyed reading this, it was a fun little read, and it made feel bad for Jonathon Crane (cane), deep down he's a nerd and c'mon you're a comic book nerd...a very unhinged nerd, but i blame the Scarecrow.
Tai'shar Westernesse chapter 1 . 2/20/2017
Aw, this is really good, and really sad. That last line is great. Crane's characterization is awesome, and I like Hugh as well. Overall, very nicely done.

grindly chapter 1 . 11/29/2014
This fic was an absolute pleasure to read. It was well-thought out and elegant. I love the way you've written Jonathan. You did such a good job of painting a picture of this intelligent, sympathetic and damaged boy struggling with his identity and being on the cusp of adulthood. I love the contrast between him wanting to accept kindness and rejecting every bit of it. It's very realistic, he isn't one-note. Even after his "triumph" over Megan he still regrets it, and that struck me as being very realistic. I also liked the scene where Jonathan explodes at Hugh when he thinks he's bought the pajamas. It reminded me of a caged animal and it really showed how broken Jonathan is. I found myself understanding exactly where he was coming from, and evaluating the scene as an observer too to see how paranoid he came off as. It was really well done.

There's a weird quietness to the ending. It tops off the story beautifully. It's very matter of fact, blunt and cold, and certainly befitting of Jonathan.
L.D. Eddy chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
Oh my goodness! This is incredible. I loved it so much. Sigh. I can't think of anything else to say other than the fact that this fic is just gorgeous and I love it and I hope you keep up with writing more stories.
ColdGoldLazarus chapter 1 . 2/15/2013
Did you seriously just make Scarecrow unflinchingly sympathetic?
wackywhateleys chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
Wow. This was downright uncomfortable to read, in a good way! Chilling!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/5/2012
Aww this is sweet!
Cleonie 'Jayne Mansfield' Quin chapter 1 . 5/5/2012
Ooh. What a brilliant, brilliant story!


packman23 chapter 1 . 12/16/2011
This story was truly brilliant. It was a bit hard to connect Crane and the Scarecrow at the beggining and I was slightly worried you'd forgotten that the two were the same or something but by the end well I don't think I've ever seen a more subtle transition between normal person and complete villain. It works really well.

I especially liked the way that the Crane's first name was only used for when he was a child, as if he'd subconsciously just blocked those memories off as happening to a different person.
Jackie Ryan chapter 1 . 4/19/2011
Yes, yes, yes. That was a brilliant story, I loved it. You're a great writer, keep going with it!
Trumpeteer34 chapter 1 . 2/9/2011
This is positively chilling. I cannot deny the twisted grin that formed on my face when Crane was berating Megan, but it was wonderfully done. That final scene with Jonathan battling his inner "dark voice" was phenomenal.

Excellent work! I loved it!
ArmoredSoul chapter 1 . 2/5/2011
I must say, I found this browsing a friend's favorites and was expecting something more humorous.

What I got was a brilliantly executed character study centered around a seemingly insignificant item that comes to mean so very much more.

Amazing. :D
M chapter 1 . 9/8/2010

I really liked the ending, with the conflict going on inside Jonathan. And you had my heart aching for poor Crane during the entire story, and a feeling of trepidation when the fire alarm went off.

I actually read your entire story word for word, which is a compliment in itself; that I didn't lose attention. Keep writing Crane fics - your version of him is excellent!
flammarionn chapter 1 . 7/29/2010
Oh my god, this story was absolutely amazing. In-character, believeable OCs, believeable everything.

(I'm crying. ;_;)
Sunflare2k5 chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
It's painful to see that Crane's so used to being hurt, that he twists everything into an attack against him... I sympathize. :(
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