Reviews for The Evolution Process
Chess-Blackfyre chapter 4 . 12/1/2018


I'm so sorry Tech this has GOT to hurt...
Chess-Blackfyre chapter 1 . 12/1/2018
Oh ho ho this looks like it's gonna be interesting...ah yes, we hurt them because we love them.

Strange the passage of time.

I was the target demographic for this show when it first came out and I thought it was the coolest thing EVER
Toxicthecat4836 chapter 1 . 4/23/2017
i really enjoyed this. i love the science, i love the friendship and i love the problem/solution! your a pretty good author. keep up the great work!
InYuJi chapter 7 . 10/22/2014
Well written indeed. The science behind was fascinating, and a bit scary, thinking of being reverted to your deep primal instincts. I really like how you wrote about Tech and Rev's friendship, and the others as well. Great work overall
thunder angel13 chapter 7 . 1/3/2013
Super awesome chapter really shows the friendship between the two ;-))
Gatoconbotas964 chapter 7 . 6/10/2011
Nicely written! And with an interesting cliffhanger ending too. I do wonder what project he was thinking about though. You've got me curious now...

I like how you wrote the friendship between Rev and Tech too. Rev's method for getting Tech back in the game fit him. Those two are my favorite Loonatics. _

Well, keep up the good work! _0
Evilhumour Author chapter 7 . 6/26/2010
Simply too good not contiune. Very beautiful and wonderfull, as well as relastic.
BookerSeeFoodBookerEat chapter 5 . 11/18/2009
I didn't think it was predictable, I thought Rev was dead T_T
BookerSeeFoodBookerEat chapter 1 . 7/9/2009
There's an error in this chapter since you've edited it.

“Well-I-just-didn’t-wanna-bother-you-if-you-were-really make-you-last.”

You've missed out some words when you edited it. It doesn't make sense now :)
Katie the Insane Giggler chapter 7 . 6/29/2009
ulriksen chapter 7 . 2/15/2009
you know, I realy enjoyed this story, when I read the first chapter, I a little 'meh'

but then it really picked up the pace, liked it.

just polish up your gramma, and you would make a great writer.
BookerSeeFoodBookerEat chapter 7 . 1/21/2009
LOVE IT! TOO BITS! Please write more stories based on Rev and Tech :)
Leepet chapter 7 . 1/2/2009
would claim he was tired and that he would explain later. Laters came and went,

Even if he had the energy, he knew that he’d never be able to catch the quickster in order to strangle him.

Two of the best lines ever! Good ending. It does seem I little incomplete. But still complete enough to end. Thanks for not killing Tech. I don't really know how I was going to try to get through the computer...

Nice job. I really like the way that you put the flashbacks in italics. Very nice. And good touch with Rev talking slowly.

Overall, very good. Very very good.
Leepet chapter 6 . 1/2/2009
If you kill Tech I will jump through this computer screen and find you! Don't you dare kill him!

(Although since you already finished this chapter I realize that the threat might or might not be relevant.) Hm you know what? You need to get someone to draw the picture of all of them in the dome with Duck looking on. That would be awesome.
Leepet chapter 5 . 1/2/2009
Okay, that was really scary. I did not see the pipe thing coming.

The next chapter is more evil you say? Uhh... really scared now...
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