Reviews for Digimon Anniversary
Turtle Biscuit chapter 16 . 7/1/2017
Hope the reason you left is awesome legit professional work! :D I enjoy reading tidbits from this and Godfall every now and then...Tri's okay but your work is truly superb even if I don't agree with the pairings that had to be.
MirageDream chapter 16 . 5/15/2016
Wow...This story is incredible. Each chapter you've told so much of the Digidestined's adventure through only one day and I must say you did it magnificently. There was so much to tell and you told it in so little time, leaving implications here and there for when you didn't have to explain it and everything seemed natural, no awkward pauses to catch the reader up or anything. I really can't wait to see you continue the next ten years of this adventure.
Ultimateblack chapter 16 . 10/27/2014
Are you going to update or will this just be left here?
Cherry003 chapter 16 . 9/23/2014
Hey :)

I just read your story, and its great! Hopefully you didn't forget your prediction though it was for the end of the 2011. But here I am, reading your story in 2014 and looking forward to end of 2014, maybe you can upload the rest till then. I mean, only 10 to go! :)
Rewind Soldier chapter 3 . 5/30/2014
I freaking love this 3
I read it quite a while ago, and I'm back re-reading. Definitely need more of this good stuff to feed my digi-yearnings...
Soulfire72 chapter 2 . 3/12/2013
Well, this HADD certainly complicates things. With the Digidestined wanting a peaceful solution, it certainly won't be easy.
Just something I've noticed... the names of the deceased digimon, I thought at least some of them came back, including Chuumon and Sukamon. The others haven't really appeared officially since, though.
Soulfire72 chapter 1 . 3/10/2013
A good, well written first chapter. It's good to see someone making a valiant effort to piece together what the Digimon developers had left us... but that doesn't stop me from being very annoyed at them. You've got everyone pretty much in character, and I'm quite impressed. I may loathe KenxYolei, but seeing with what you had to work with I'm impressed with how you've written them.
One other thing... while I like AguBiyo, I just have to say that came out of nowhere. I understand the whole life-mate thing, but "Well who else would it be?" kinda seems far-fetched. Why, exactly? From the anime, they've had virtually no canon interaction, only observing each other's actions occasionally, and maybe an off-screen comment together. So I think that kinda needs a bit more explanation and/or development.
mahwish1 chapter 16 . 3/20/2012
OMG.. Why arent you updating this.. This is beyond words! :) Please do update soon.. You really need to continue this..
JapanManiac chapter 16 . 12/19/2011
Just read the new anniversary from the beginning and I must say... WOW!

I like this one much better than the last one. Its still a bit disjointed, but that come from the fact that we only got to see them on one day every year. This story is so epic and awesome that I have no more words to describe it...

I'm very sad about Hikaru (both of 'em, really) and that He's now Gennai's replacement. Oh, and about the Harmonious One... Didn't Zeromaru called Veemon 'Lord Azulongmon' several chapters ago? Does that mean that the four is hiding as lower-leveled Digimon? Or is it just me?

Another thing I want to ask is about this 'Xion' thing. Its very cool and badass, but I still don't understand what it is. From the moment Alphamon said it until now, when Hikari declared her brother as it, Its very misty for me. Maybe you've explained it once, but I still don't understand. I really think you should put up a long and extensive encyclopedia after this.

And I will be waiting patiently for the Memoirs of Victory! Hopefully to see more of the V-Tamers gang. I really like them and are kind of sad because the lack of them here. Mari wasn't even mentioned once! Oh, and Zeromaru... After what he's been through with Taichi, I think its sad that they're lacking interaction here (even though I know Agumon would react very, very badly to that). He's still Taichi's partner too... and they won't be the first one with more than one partners.
Jaaay JAAAAAYYYY chapter 16 . 9/20/2011
This fic is incredible. Seriously. I was completely impressed by how you were able to pull this franchise out from its tackiness and really work with something that has so much more depth and character than other popular recommended fics and is, most importantly, REALISTIC. You filled in the blanks and did an excellent job explaining the "say what now?" moments in 02 than they could have done themselves. And, people may not think it's much, but your characters are true to their originals and you have NO IDEA how much more I admire your fic for that.

To be honest, I was just looking around for some Koumi fics to reassure myself that I wasn't weird for thinking that they would work as a couple, but now I feel shamefully shallow and pathetic in having lost my perspective of what the show really was about, and it took 16 chapters of Digimon: Anniversary to remind me of that.

Thanks, Sonfaro.

Hope to read more of this kick-ass fanfic soon. Preferably before Modern Family finishes its 3rd season. ;)
nequam-tenshi chapter 16 . 8/13/2011
A bittersweet existence for Kari and her son.

Nearly 6 hours straight reading your story from the beginning! Yet this story is one of the best Digimon stories I have ever read! And I read a lot!

Who does Izzy marry?

crestoflight3 chapter 8 . 5/5/2011
Yay! Mimi going to excited about that now!

I never could understand how they put Tai as a UN official...but reading your description of it makes it easy to imagine. It's hard to connect a lot of the dots of what happens between each year, but it's nice like that...seeing snapshots of what happened instead of trying to read one big story. We're seeing them grow into the lives they had during the's strange to think about at times.
crestoflight3 chapter 7 . 5/4/2011
Aw, so cute! This was really sweet...poor Tai, getting stuck in a UN meeting! I pity him so much! But I like his ending lines.
crestoflight3 chapter 6 . 5/3/2011
So sweet. I feel sorry for Cody...he's the youngest, so he must feel that he does the least. In truth, I think he's the least mentioned on Fanfiction...but he's a good character, overall...
crestoflight3 chapter 5 . 5/3/2011
Aw, cute anniversary! I love how they all met just worked out so well. And having anniversary at Heighten View Terrace...)
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