Reviews for Emissary of Darkness
Guest chapter 44 . 5/12
I've never been a fanfic reader, or even thought about it, but I recently rewatched the HP series as well as Yugioh Abridged out of quarantine boredom. I thought Bakura was the coolest character when I was younger, and YGOA reignited that thought. I wanted new ways to explore his character as it was realistically, but was at first disappointed to find a bunch of shipping stories. That's not my bag, I wanted a character driven adventure story. It was then that I found your story, and I was immediately hooked. I like the crossover idea, I love that you respect the characters as they would have appeared in canon so it almost feels like an official side story, and the character interactions have been very interesting. I'm most impressed by your dedication to this story, and as I read you author notes, I couldn't stop thinking about how this has been a fifteen year journey for you. So much can change over that time. I'm glad that you decided to finish this, even though Harry Potter nor YGO are at the forefront of most peoples' minds these days. It sounded as though you're very near the end, I look forward to the final chapters!
Guest chapter 9 . 3/17
I wonder just who the other Bennu wand could be destined for ;)
Guest chapter 3 . 3/17
Of course he’d be thinking of stealing the silverware (goldware?) as soon as he sat down. Of course.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/17
Ahh, love me some conniving ring spirit.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17
Hey, I remember reading this story years ago! Vaguely. But the obvious improvement in the writing is obvious. :)
Lily of the Shadow chapter 44 . 3/2/2019
I have had this story on my favorites list for years. I got out of fanfic altogether for a while, and hadn't read this since Yugi showed up at Hogwarts, I think. That being said, everything this has become since has surpassed my absolute wildest expectations, and I'm beyond thrilled you're committed to finishing it! I eagerly await the final chapters, and want you to know what a nostalgic joyride this whole story is for me!
Guest chapter 44 . 2/20/2019
Awsome story
Dana Sto Helit chapter 44 . 2/12/2019
That was good. Thank you.
A Person chapter 1 . 2/10/2019
Yay. I have been checking up fairly regularly on this story and I was super excited to see this up. Thanks. This chapter was great and I do hope you finish the story.
Guest chapter 43 . 1/31/2019
Next please.
NekoShiro22 chapter 43 . 1/14/2019
I really like your story! I just read all the fic as far as it goes ... I hope the next chapter soon! I want to know what is planning our favorite spirits completely and how it will finish everything ... even if I wanted a little more participation from Ryou ... but it's your story and you decide how you do it! Anyway ... keep it up!
Barren Chasm chapter 43 . 8/18/2018
I don't know how I have not read this story before but I'm so glad I did now. I love it! I like how Bakura has made it harder for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to trust Yugi and I wonder what will come of that. I can't wait to see what's going to happen with Malik and if he'll end up meeting up with Yugi or not. Either way I'm excited to see more of his interactions with the Order.
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 3 . 7/31/2018
I'm very concerned
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 2 . 7/31/2018
how the frick frack is he gonna be able to go to a magic school
Basket in a Nutcase chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
Bakura you edgy turd XD
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