Reviews for Mistaken Liaisons
sammy smith chapter 17 . 8/27/2015
Absolutely loved it :)
The Shadows of Once Was chapter 4 . 7/17/2015
I read this and thought, "Oh my god. That's weird!" I thought this because I started a novel a few years ago that started off similar to this. I stumbled upon your fanfic the other day. I thought it was incredible interesting how my novel involving regular people and your fanfic involving Harry Potter characters.

Sorry but I just had to mention it. There are differences between our two but I was just struck by the similarities.
SadisticDemongyrl chapter 14 . 3/17/2012
all i have 2 say is this: WHAT THE FLUFF?
DrunkenTink chapter 17 . 12/28/2011
LOVED this story. Everything a good romance/comedy should be in my opinion. Your characterisation of Ginny was hilarious and how you worked Draco into the story was brilliant. All my favourite characters in one place. I like how you built up to Blaise and Ginny realising their feelings, but still included other aspects into the story. Really enjoyed this fic.
Anonymous chapter 17 . 2/14/2010

And it doesn't leave you with that awfully sappy feelings when you finish reading it. That's a comment.
darkangel913 chapter 17 . 8/7/2009
oh that was an amazing ending! i love the way you write, its better than most on here. i loved the story even if i didn't review all the chapters, this one only, i think, but i just couldn't stop reading! awesome story :)
Nutmeg44 chapter 17 . 8/7/2009
well its over 150 and i see no sequel...::sigh:: but then again, if the honeymoon is anything like the wedding, then it was 1 hell of a night. good story. draco's not a git [yay].
squishypinapples chapter 17 . 7/18/2009
love this story, love the ending, wonderfully and humorously written...:D hehehehe but go the cake fight :)
Ravenclaw's Kitten chapter 17 . 7/13/2009
Oh, holy crap, that was sweet and confusing and dramatic and lovable in every way! I love ti so much. So happy that you write and post stuff.

Much love and thanks

roguesque chapter 17 . 5/30/2009
i really like this story I wish I knew what Ginny did to get fired and disgraced though.
Hogwartsismydrug chapter 17 . 5/28/2009
Wipes tear that was so fluffy! Loved THE WHOLE FUCKING STORY!

Is there a sequel?
Ellae chapter 17 . 1/18/2009

Seriously, I almost squealed aloud here. But I've got boys in the house watching the Eagles game who would throw a bagel chip at me without a second's though or even looking. I have a, er, piercing voice.

And I'm not even that soppy normally! ...fine, I'm a closet romantic. But this story definitely brought out the best of that in me. I adored the humor you pulled off excellently, and while I'm a hardcore DracoXHermione girl, you had me rooting for Blaise with all my heart.

The sudden change in Blaise's fortunes was a little disconcerting, but I could see the need for brevity. Also, 'blond' is male, 'blonde' is femme. I know, doesn't mean a thing, but come on, poor Draco's prolly been teased for years for his girly hair; he oughta be given break now that he's tall, strapping and sexy. :D


Ellae chapter 15 . 1/18/2009
Hahah yaayy.
Ellae chapter 14 . 1/18/2009

POOR DRACO. HAHA PANSY- OKAy, I had to turn off the caps lock...
Ellae chapter 12 . 1/18/2009

Boxers are terribly comfortable. Of course, er, "borrowing" is usually a risky business with the, uh, interpretive style of male hygiene and all.

Poor Millicent, I should think. Always being beat down. Wow, can you imagine her ending up with Goyle or something? They'd have babies that could compete in the WWE by their teens.

Gasp TSK TSK Pyro! I DID read your AN, and let me tell you my boss was very put out by the terrible things you said. And a guinea pig would drown in my great-aunt's drawers.
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