Reviews for Spring
NA chapter 1 . 2/10/2014
Luv this fic! So sweet and peaceful :)
Girlbird chapter 1 . 10/22/2007
I must thank you for distracting me from my homework.

No, this is beautiful.
deadlyfuzzies chapter 1 . 5/30/2006
Ah! This is so CUTE! I love it - Elrond and Celebrian have got to be a favorite couple of mine. So sweet! Great job!
bahblahblah chapter 1 . 4/20/2006
One Word: SWEET


Another Word: AW...:)
ElfLuver13 chapter 1 . 12/21/2005
Aw! So sweet! I love it! I seriously can not find anything wrong with it, nice story!
alena chapter 1 . 10/18/2005
There is such a wonderful sense of peace and gentleness to this. I guess, "enchanting" is probably the best word I could think of. Elrond has had such heavy burdens and troubles in his life, it is lovely to see him relaxed with Celebrían.

The little Arwen is very, very adorable, yet one already sees that she's got a strong personality, too!
Valerie Shea chapter 1 . 10/18/2005
Very, very nice story! One of the reasons I find difficult to write about Elves is that they don't sleep. It says so in Two Towers. But how the heck are you supposed to write about them otherwise XO

Anyway, it was really good and I liked it. Celebrian doesn't get a lot of fandom, and she should. _
Nemis chapter 1 . 10/18/2005
I love this, but you already know that. You catch the peacefulness precisely right, I feel, and the entire atmosphere of the story is affected by it. There's just this feeling of intense peace, and no worries whatsoever, which seems so perfectly elvish. Plus, you get me El and Bri, and a little Arwen, which makes it even perfecter. ;)

Glad to see this up here!