Reviews for Hand Talk
riskeybusiness chapter 22 . 2/22/2017
Please please please update soon! You can't leave it like this I'm enjoying it too much!
Ginteenie chapter 22 . 2/2/2017
Sad you abandoned this really wish you would finish someday
Emma Malm chapter 22 . 1/4/2016
I really hope you will continue this story. I think it has been amazing so far. :-)
Guest chapter 13 . 1/1/2016
First, he had classes to attend? I don't get it - there are Death Eaters in the building, one of who raped and tortured a student (and who just discussed raping and sacrificing some more). And no one seems to find it a priority to find out who it is? Hermione KNOWS one of them is Draco, and it should be easy to identify his 'friend' just by parading Slytherin students by her one after the other. She can sense his aura, after all. Yet she doesn't tell anyone even about Draco, and no one is asking? Sorry, but this is highly illogical. Besides, I don't understand why Severus doesn't use Legilimency on her or she simply extracts her memories if she doesn't want to talk about her ordeal. He probably could have talked to her right from the start that way, too. Very weird.
7019289 chapter 22 . 3/14/2015
I love these chapters. I hope you hurry with the next one but seeing as it has been almost nine years since the last posting, i guess not. But still ... hopefully you don't abandon itlike so many authors out there.
TrixieNancy124 chapter 22 . 12/13/2014
Hey! :) It has really been awhile since you updated. And i must admit i really like this story. Cant wait to see what happens next! Hope to read an update soon!
MilkShakeAwake chapter 22 . 7/19/2013
Im in tears! Nicole dont leave please! Please finish this off please keep writing! This stories amazing! 3 :)
Liz chapter 7 . 3/27/2013
Stating that there are mature themes that involve violence do not cover the potential triggers for someone who has been through a rape. One should not have to avoid all "M" rated fiction on the off chance that partial or full rape scenes are in the content. It would also be unsympathetic to say " don't like it, don't read it!", so please do not even say it. For someone who has been traumatized specifically through rape, the passages read have already triggered memories of the event. That does no good and you need to include specific trigger warnings if you are going to actually write out scenes of sensitive and violent nature. The fact that you did not means that you either are inexperienced with writing out such events or you are insensitive to others and did not care whether or not victims of violent events had traumatic memories triggered by reading your work. If you are of the first group, then please consider this a warning that to write about such events you must take into consideration others' life experiences and that human psychology is complex in nature, especially when it comes to dealing with trauma. If you are of the latter group, I hope you are unfortunate enough to have life throw something extremely traumatic at you and others are not sensitive to how that may affect your psyche. Maybe then you could understand why trigger warnings are necessary, even if it is stated that mature themes include violence.
Kayala chapter 22 . 1/7/2013
So sad that this story hasn't been updated in years '[. I've read through it a few times because it's so good. I wish I knew what happened!
nightkitty555 chapter 21 . 12/22/2012
Oh no! I just realized the last chapter I reviewed was the last chapter. I wish this story would continue!
nightkitty555 chapter 22 . 12/22/2012
Such a good story. this is when I skim for a happy chapter though- haha
Ravenclawsome89 chapter 22 . 6/16/2012
I am so disappointed this has been abandoned as it's a really great story. I cried quite a bit during this last chapter. I hope one day you'll go back and finish it as it's such a shame to leave a story like this unfinished
GothicKitten91 chapter 22 . 3/27/2012
I really enjoyed this story, the plot if fantastic but I find myself deeply disappointed that you never completed the story.

I really hope you get back to writing and I look forward to reading your work in the future.

Chachi94 chapter 22 . 5/29/2011
Awesome story. I cried when Nicole went to meet her adoptive parents and Snape wouldn't allow her to go. It was soo keep writing and update as soon as you can!:)
Severus Snape Admirer chapter 22 . 5/17/2011
u need to update this story asap
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