Reviews for Teh ah tim eh
random reviewer chapter 1 . 2/14/2012
this is definitely the best fan-made story i have ever read.
Zipperhead chapter 1 . 3/7/2009
That was great! _ I loved the beginning, about how Teatime got into the class. Seems just like him. ;D
Sue Snell chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
Excellent! Your characterization of Teatime was PERFECT. Bravo! And bonus points for answering a question all Teatime fans have asked with a story all Vetinari fans would love.
Sullen Kitten chapter 1 . 12/25/2007
Whoa. Popular Assassins can be bitchy like that, y'know?

So far, one of the really good backstory fics I've read for ickle!Jonathan. Characterization was a little different than I usually imagine, but Vetinari and Igor the win.
GrayRobes chapter 1 . 9/26/2007
Okay, this is a great story! and I think it sounds like something that could happen. Besides, :) If I were Vetianri I'd kick Teatime while he was down, too. best time to do it, really.

teatime is remarkably literal in how he views the world, isn't he? :D gotta love classmates. They really help shape you. Literally, in Teatime's case, since they indirectly caused him to lose his eye.
Shiro Ryuu chapter 1 . 8/6/2007
Pretty good :) It's certainly an interesting explanation... though, I was kind of hoping you would tie in the Blind Io bit somehow, in the end. I mean, it's subtly ironic even without any further explanation, I suppose... I'm also not sure if Teatime was in character 100 percent of the time. Like, the scene when he talks to Mona, he seems out-of-it more than spooky, and I can't really picture him uttering the line about the troll - and most of all, I don't know if I can believe he'd be ~quite~ such a bad match for Vetinari, even as a boy ;) But, meh, whatever. It was grammatically solid, for sure, and it had some amusing lines - I liked "How many fingerth are in that jar over there?" in particular :)
Chinchillazilla chapter 1 . 4/24/2007
"He would have to ask Vimes about the frequent disappearances, Vetinari reminded himself. Somehow, it usually happened after he had spent the night and an unlucky soul had seen them together in the morning."

I love you for being so... understated about it. It'd be so easy to miss.

So you get points for a) a Teatime fic and b) a vague hint at V/V, the best pairing ever.
shadow priestess chapter 1 . 11/24/2005
Wai! I must say, anything featuring Teatime automatically wins something, but this is most excellent. I like...
Mysteryguy12 chapter 1 . 10/17/2005
Excellent. I just read the Hogfather and Teatime is one scary dude. you write very well. British Humour rocks my socks right off the docks. I suppose if anyone were able to beat Teatime, it would be Vetinari wouldn't it? The only thing i wish you had wrote more about was the craziness of Teatime's new eye. "How many fingerth are in that jar over there?" That just sent me rolling at the wit of that.
Kitty Foxglove chapter 1 . 10/10/2005
*goes all googly-eyed*

Two of my favorite characters, interesting plot, character development, backstory that works... This is fangirl heaven, isn't it?

Two things, though. It's "Teh-ah-tim-Eh." and would Drumknott really work for Vetinari before Lupine Wonse?