Reviews for Fun and Games
SmileyTree chapter 8 . 10/29/2015
Um I don't want to sound rude because this story is actually really good, it's just I find it HIGHLY offensive with the rape because I know people who have basically gone through that horrible experience. I can't stand it when people have perfectly good stories and then just murder it with that...topic. I just-
It makes upset because I really liked this book and thought it had great potential, you could of put other things to continue the plot or make Satashi (however you spell it) hate Daisuke more, rape is NEVER something you have to result to. I probably won't finish this story an that makes me sad because like I said, I was enjoying this story very much. I like the whole lot line before this chapter and was loving how things were turning out. I hate sounding like some ungrateful whiny person, but you can understand (hopefully) where I'm coming from when it comes to these kinds of things, I saw how you said it makes you uncomfortable, so why would you put it? Yes, I know you said why you wrote it like that. Again I'm sorry for complaining I'm just upset that I'm always reading these great story lines and then the author puts rape in it for character development or plot, I suggest that next time you're writing a story and come across a situation like this try maybe instead of revenge from getting raped possibly they got into a more serious fight, like ones where trust is shattered and in dramatic movies. I don't know I'm trust trying to give helpful criticism
Neko-Tenchi chapter 10 . 2/21/2014
satoshi's scary
Neko-Tenchi chapter 8 . 2/21/2014
just because niwa doesn't like you, doesn't mean you HAVE to be with krad, im sure there are other cute gay men in the world for you to like, so stop blaming daisuke
Caerix chapter 7 . 8/23/2009
Go Daisuke!I really think Riku was acting bitchy.I don't know why he fell for her in the first place really.
tetradisaster chapter 17 . 7/29/2008
This story was really great! Go DaixSato!

I think I'm going to read the rest of the stories you have to offer now, because I liked the story that much!

Fuzzy Eared chapter 17 . 6/14/2008
Beautiful. Finally the DNA fic that I've been searching for that really appreciates the young melodrama of the series. Lol, and as corny as that sounds, it's true. Fine job. :)
LLGold chapter 8 . 1/8/2008
hi. first of all i like this FF. its good i hope Dai das somthing soon to help. i don't like krad and Satoshi ither but if it has to be this is how it should be. i'm glad you could do this it das make it more interesting, but i just don't know with the amount of chapters that are left if dai can save the day. i have been on here for much to long so i'll read more tomorow bye for now LLGold
beaner93 chapter 4 . 12/25/2007
*gulps* Now Satoshi, lets not be hasty!
beaner93 chapter 3 . 12/25/2007
Krad! Be nice! Or I'll make you eat my Aunt's evil Fritcake! one bite of that stuff, and you'll be sick for a week!
beaner93 chapter 2 . 12/25/2007
Oh Come on boys, *perverted grin* Ya know ya liked it!
beaner93 chapter 1 . 12/25/2007
Satoshi, I wish you luck! *shudders* Same room as the twins. I wouldn't make it out alive!
MangaFreak15 chapter 17 . 11/11/2007
Sad and happy...I like it!
Sakamoto Itoe chapter 17 . 10/28/2007
XD that was an awesome lemon! no matter what other people say, you are awesome!
Sakamoto Itoe chapter 14 . 10/28/2007 i'm an idiot... XD i can't believe i didn't think of Satoshi! and have you noticed that in the anime series, we never hear Hiwatari's first name? . that's why i wasn't sure if this was the right pairing i was looking for - but it was, cuz i was looking for the blue-haired dude or as you put it: bluenette -
Sakamoto Itoe chapter 12 . 10/28/2007
T~T i honestly can't figure out who the special person is! T~T please tell me!
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