Reviews for Only In Your Dreams
BlueRyuu chapter 7 . 9/16/2008
oh hm. :( as far as favorite bashing goes, i think its a tie between Maria and Sophia. Peppita is high up there too, but she's just a kid anyway, so meh. personally, i hate Maria more, though im not against any pairing that is reasonable. nice story lots of fluff, but the OOC was insane XP
Ecstacy of Quietus chapter 7 . 12/28/2005
Oh i loved it! LOVED IT!
itachi-sama a.k.a cathrun chapter 7 . 10/15/2005
crimson-fantasy chapter 7 . 10/4/2005
this was a really amazing foc but you so shouldn't end it here come on please please please please i wanna see what else happens i wanna see the fight and fayte and...i like maria so that would be really nice she ia so badass so please please please write more i mean i don't wanna have to turn into one of those weirdos who like threatens to kill you if you don't but come on please
crimson-fantasy chapter 6 . 10/3/2005
god you aere so tricky i could have swore it was cliff but thanx for the cliff marage pairing love them though i know it says i am really into cliff nell i have sorta lost that cause nobody understood it plus now that i read this i can't help but think how lovley nee albel is
crimson-fantasy chapter 5 . 10/3/2005
i love this and i am sry i didn't reveiw all the chaps cause i was exsited to get to the next chap you are an amazing writer and i think your fic is one of the best in my c2 thanx
crimson-fantasy chapter 4 . 10/2/2005
i lovethis fic you portray them so well you have the perfect balance of albel assishness sexyness and kick ass personality i love your fics
crimson-fantasy chapter 2 . 10/2/2005
that was really good and don'tworry the battleseens were great i hate having to write those i am terrible at them if you look at my bio you can probobly see i only have one story but it is because i earsaed all my old ones so i have morethan it looks like
crimson-fantasy chapter 1 . 10/2/2005
this is really uspencful i love this fic. hey listen i am a C2 manager and i was wondering if you might be intereste in putting this fic in and maybe some others if you have some fitting the criteria cause you are an exellent writer and i like your stuff so i am gonna read the rest
IceBlueWings chapter 7 . 9/30/2005
This story is so good! its sad it had to end here...but alnel r the best! and there was even Cliff/Mirage in it! Please write a new story which is as fun as this!
May chapter 7 . 9/30/2005
oh, it's a shame you've finished! it was so good, with lotsa alnel moments!

fayt and sophia aren't that bad a couple, i think they look cute together. I'm not that fond of maria, shes a bit...
Mastrmanipul8r chapter 7 . 9/29/2005
That was great! I never would have guessed it! A lot of AlbelNel and CliffMirage fluff, enough to keep running over the weeknend. You did a great job! Write another one! I'd be super glad to read it; and now I'm curious, who would you pair Fayt with? Fayt? pairings just aren't my thing. No offense to Fayt, he's a good guy, it's just, I love Albel, Nel, Cliff, and Mirage better. (Poor guy, he's all alone...)

Anyways, good job! Keep it up and again, write another. This really was good! Okay, see you next story!
breadmakesyoufat chapter 7 . 9/29/2005
Nice. That was an awesome story! Cliff and Mirage are so cute together! Thank you for writing such an entertaining fanfiction! YOU ROCK! 10/10! :D.

Peace out,

BlueTrillium chapter 7 . 9/29/2005
Mwahaha! My guess was right this time! Kind of sorry that it's over, though...

A couple word corrections for old-time's sake: I think there were two places near the beginning of the story where you used the word "defiantly" when I think you meant "definitely", and then at the end it should be "Adray had finally learned his lesson." instead of "Adray had finally learned his lessen." Heh.

I really had to bust out laughing when I pictured Albel wearing an apron making sugar bread...but now I'm in a sort-of dilemma. I had actually drawn a picture of Albel in an apron, baking cookies (snickerdoodles), for Anarchy Sky's fic "The Black Brigade Theatrical Troupe", but that picture also could fit this, if I added some bread to the background...maybe I'll send you both the same picture but with different titles...or maybe I'll just draw a second picture! We'll see...I don't turn out good pictures very often, so I might not be ABLE to draw a second good picture...

Anyway, see ya next fic!
Anarchy Sky chapter 6 . 9/28/2005
Schweet chapter! I change my guess on the mystery folks! I bet the mystery people are hobos. They just gotta be hobos! Rock rock on, Blue Persuasion, rock rock on!
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