Reviews for True Love
Serpico1986 chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
What a great story, congratulations! I love it
inspiredpoet chapter 1 . 9/2/2015
Love it, love it, love it! :D You write well. The story is exciting as well as very touching and...well, it's really good. Keep writing & you're amazing. Thanks. :) :) :)
BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope chapter 1 . 1/20/2009
A great story. Very good.
mog chapter 1 . 11/16/2008
aww, perfect. Not mushy or slashy. And I love how you reinterpreted Jake's true love kiss to reflect the love he had for his brother.
YunalanaStarphyer chapter 1 . 5/28/2008
Really great, nice descriptions and such. However, I didn't think it was a fanfic so much as just your thoughts on what people were thinking and what actually happened. It was great, though, and I guess, in a way, it was a fanfic-But I can't say that I'm especially pleased. I was more looking forward to something new and different. I half-expected a different ending-Maybe Will really died? Or something else that turned it completely askew?

Not trying to be rude, a favorite, nonetheless. A fan of brotherly moments? You should try some Supernatural! Haha! I will look forward to reading other things by you. Here's to better, more productive future works to come!
Sawyer Fan chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
I enjoyed this story very much. The end scene with the Queen was my favorite part, and I couldn't blame her for wanting to make Will hers...LOL. I was thinking the same thing! Very good descriptions of what the characters were thinking...especially the end where Jake and Will have their 'bonding' moment.

thanks for a great read!
DK chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
Very nice.