Reviews for Stained Hands
samuraigurl1213 chapter 3 . 3/29/2006
hm prefer bbrae, but i still find this... fascinating...

Zoe Saugin chapter 3 . 11/13/2005
Oh! Nice story. I just wanted to suggest, for pairings...

Cy/Jinx? Maybe? I dunno.

Raven/Jericho- In the original comics, Slade had a son, named Jericho, who was mute. Now, Jericho, unlike his sister, Rose, didn't want to be Slade's apprentice. So he joined the Titans, and (eventually) married Raven.

Raven/Wally(Kid Flash)- Another one from the comics. Kid Flash and Raven had a very good relationship until he caught her having a make-out session with Robin.

Wll, that's all I have to contribute. UPDATE SOON!
Meiriona chapter 2 . 10/25/2005
it rocks #! star andjinx a a team, kickass!
Moonshine Ryu chapter 2 . 9/13/2005
Yay! An update! I really liked this chapter, I hope you'll update soon, I wanna find out what happens!
Return Of The South chapter 1 . 9/12/2005
wow, this is good! Please update!
Mad Pierrot Le Fou chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
Dear Queen Fire Faerie,

An interesting start, though I am a bit skeptical. The first chapter doesn't tell much.

Is Raven interested in Terra (I.E. femslash)? Terra is obviously interested in Garfield. I look forward to your answers, and the next chapter.

Au revoir.


Mad Pierrot Le Fou
Moonshine Ryu chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
Ooh, nice cliffy! This is a cool beginning to what will probably be a great story. Update soon!
DarkSin chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
this is awesome, i realli like it plz update soon! i luv it! i realli want to no wat happens nxt update soon, ps: wat are the pairing? neways update asap plz! keep up the great work!

Lavenderpaw chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
Hola!I love these Raven/Terra 's also good to see Terra or Raven 'not' falling all over for BB for hold on,what's,"Beast Boy...Beast Boy..." 's OK,I just get tired of seeing the same ol' same ol' was a really nice start by the way,hope you update soon!

Check out one of my array of Titans stories if you get the chance,my preference wouldbe for either one I'm working with at the seriously,UPDATE SOON!I need to find out if she dumps BB for this other guy.

C yaz!