Reviews for Queries
Abstractconcept chapter 1 . 12/4/2012
Aw, this is really lovely.
Van Donovan chapter 1 . 10/13/2008
Glad I'm not the only one who saw this pairing! Any recs for other Aaron/Jaye fic?
vesperlynds chapter 1 . 6/30/2008
Nice job.
Child of a Pineapple chapter 1 . 10/26/2007
So...I liked this...not that I want to admit to liking this sort of stuff...

Nice job!
MUMSI chapter 1 . 12/22/2006

Phew, thought I'd die before I got a sweet piece of Jaye/Aaron, but low and behold, here it is.

And, by-the-by, your Aaron is just made for hugs.

For serious.

McKay chapter 1 . 9/11/2005
I love the idea behind this, but I'd really love to see how their relationship evolved to this level, just because it's sort of out there, if you know what I mean.

That said, I love it :) Here I was the only one having lusty wrong thoughts about the Tyler fam ;)