Reviews for Sonic vs Freddy vs Jason
Tylerboy593 chapter 8 . 7/23/2008
when will you continue this story?
Dr.Dude chapter 8 . 2/26/2008
Cool story! Please continue!
Dark Phantom Knight chapter 8 . 5/26/2007
I got 4 words for this story: O M F G! Can't wait for more!
KodenBuGeisha chapter 8 . 4/28/2007


god! this is pretty great! i have our favorite mind gamer here! welcome to the reveiw show!


john: well hello there shdow, its a pleasure to be here.

me: its a pleasure to have you here john. now tell me, who are you rooting for?

john: there are many sides: jason, who is just out to be with his mother again. So he only wishes for love, a truely grand side to be on. Docter Eggman, he only wishes for power and respect by the world. Authority and respect, he does not value others life much though. I would put him in one of my games. The Sonic gang, the true heros just out to keep the world safe. Now this i would love to support, but it would truely be bland.

me: how so?

john: the heros always succed in the end, although this would probably end in every ones happieness. You already know how fond i am of tragedys.

me: oh very much so, but you also like to see people value their life, and the lives around them. So wouldn't that cancel out everyone except for jason and freddy?

john: well lets see my evaluation for freddy, he truely only awants to have power and the fear of others. All he wants is please, and for others to fear him. He seems too much like eggman if you ask me.

me: i see what you mean. any other sides?

john: hm, well, i can see shadow teaming up with jason. They have alot in common if you think about it...

me: you mean that they just want the person they loved to have theyre last wish to come true?

john: exactly! now, as for who i am rooting for, jason and shadow. (that is if they become a team, which i greatly hope for.)

me: so your general rating so far?

john: it seems well written, the plot is very thought out. I can see where everyone is coming from, just as long as shadow teams up with jason, the plot will be adored by me.

me: dido. anything else?

john: not really, but i have a question for you shadow.

me: sure what is it?

jigsaw: do you want to play a game?
Rock Raider chapter 8 . 3/7/2007
Wow this is a pretty good mesh of Sonic & Freddy Vs. Jason. You do it quite well. BTW, knowing who the police are up against, chances are Jason'll lay waste to ALL of the cops, & the gun soldiers, & any civilian that gets in his way. Also, considering that Knuckles will be sleeping while in recovery from his attack by Jason Vorhees, I believe that this could be time for Freddy Krueger to pay the guardian a visit. I don't really want Freddy to kill Knuckles, per say, just really freak him out. Also, I have 3 PERFECT guys you can use in this fic. Yeah, they're kinda cliche, but I doubt it'd be that much of a Sonic fic if they were left out. Shadow The Hedgehog, E-123 Omega, & Big The Cat. Also, perhaps Cheese & Chocola should be here too. I mean, I'm surprised they weren't at Cream's house then. Think you can squeeze my 5 suggestions in? Same goes for Freddy visiting Knuckles. Well, anyway, update soon.
Neros Urameshi chapter 8 . 2/27/2007
I'm glad you finally updated! But poor Knuckles! He's wounded! Good thing he and Rouge are okay, though.

But why on earth is the GUN Commander laughing? Shadow the Hedgehog must know about it!

Please continue! Oh, and I have a couple questions.

1. Could you include Silver the Hedgehog, Blaze the Cat and Princss Elise? They should know this situation, too.

2. Is Shadow in the next chapter? If so, don't let him get himself killed.

3. Do you think Shadow and Cream make a good couple? I do.

4. If you say yes to the third question, would you make sure Shadow protects Cream at all situations?

That's all I can ask. Please reply.

P.S. If you don't know about Silver, Blaze and Elise, use Wikipedia for details.
Bowser Jr. Nutt chapter 7 . 9/13/2006
Yay! An Update!
Julayla chapter 7 . 8/28/2006
Very scary...Oh man, I don't know what's gonna happen next, but I do know it will be frightening.
The Black Inferno Devil chapter 7 . 8/11/2006
Gah! I hate cliffies. You better start writing now! (j/k)
Phantom86 chapter 7 . 8/10/2006
Danger ahead! Big trouble for K&R! Can't wait for what's comin' up...but will be patient just in case. BYE!
MonoSheep chapter 7 . 8/10/2006
Neros Urameshi chapter 7 . 8/10/2006
Uh-oh! Jason's first target is Rouge and Knuckles! I don't want either of them to die! Run, Rouge and Knuckles! You're in danger!

Please continue! This is getting more and more thrilling!
Tyme's Passage chapter 6 . 6/22/2006
Yet another awesome master piece from my favourite crossover writer. Nice job yet again with surprising me, a Freddy vs. Jason/Sonic Crossover NEVER would have come to mind. keep up the awesome work, I like your stuff.
Phantom86 chapter 6 . 5/11/2006
z...I'm awake, I'm awake!

Well, now. The hunt begins, meaning trouble for all! Glad your back into writing this, YW3! I sense big horror and action ahead. Can't wait! BYE!
MonoSheep chapter 6 . 5/11/2006
I hope Jason turned out to be on the good side and help Sonic! Please make Jason turned out to be good and kill Eggman first!

Pretty Please!
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