Reviews for Sasuke's Love, Sakura's Lie
Bakudekuluver101 chapter 8 . 12/26/2019
Please update soon. I wanna know what happens next.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/12/2018
I want my naru-chan baxk with sasuke ... naru-chan sasu-chan FOREVER UP THE GOOD WORK AS SAD AS I AM RIGHT NOW SO ADICTAED TO THIS STORY ... I now worship you all hail
Guest chapter 4 . 8/8/2018
The plot is interesting but it’s a little confusing. You write everything way to quickly and don't leave time for development. It's also a little OCC. Sasuke wouldn’t actually kill Sakura because of something like that, he'd just be extremely pissed yet silent but Naruto would be able to tell that he's pissed, because they are best friends. Sakura is a bitch and I hate her but she isn’t actually that bad. Sure, she sucks and punches Naruto all the time but I don’t think she's a whore, maybe a Sasuke whore, actually, definitely a Sasuke whore. Why do you write what you feel during the context. That was also something that confused me but everyone writes differently but if you really care about writing and the plot being interesting don’t write what you feel, write what would actually happen. I'm glad that you put a new paragraph everytime someone was speaking, it makes it less confusing.

Again, about Sasuke killing Sakura. Sasuke wouldn’t kill someone who he knows, he does care about Sakura but maybe not as much as he does Naruto. Itachi wouldn’t kill Shisui if he hit on Izumi nor would Obito kill Kakashi if he hit on Rin. Fight maybe, but kill, no.

Also, is it that hard to write Japanese? Did you really have to write Jap. That’s just lazy. Sasuke and Naruto are nakamas which is like being best friends but deeper, deep to the point they'd die for each other.
Lily chapter 7 . 4/30/2018
Lily chapter 1 . 4/30/2018
Narusasu forever!
Guest chapter 8 . 2/27/2018
Finish it now! Plz
kanekiiiiiiii chapter 8 . 2/18/2017
update! pleasee
Mystic-Myth chapter 8 . 2/11/2017
That little bitch
Arw165 chapter 8 . 1/22/2017
I am surprised how easily readers accept poor character!bashing, as long as it's Sakura. One could say any bashing is bad, but still it can be done better or worse. What is bottom-quality for me? When it makes the characters you like look bad (mainly Sasuke). I can't blame her for her wrongdoings, when I know you made her act like that, because you hate her.
Making her stay cheerful and oblivious to Sasuke killer intent, after almost being killed (she would get upset or become at least a little bit wary when around him) or making her hate Iruka all of sudden for nothing, giving no explanation whatsoever... just to make her look bad. That's low.

(Btw, she a medic, right? Why wouldn't she heal herself, for example to hide that hand print on her arm. Why wouldn't Sasuke ask her to heal Naruto's broken ankle? They are in the middle of the mission, it should be obvious for safety reasons. Why neither of them thought of that? What would come out of it, it's a different matter.

The story started very average, but went very extreme, once Sasuke tried to choke the life out of her. But we are SasuNaru fans, so we will consider Sasuke a good guy no matter what he does, right? Not really. He looks like a psycho with anger-management problems, very obssessive at that, who almost killed his teammate out of jealousy. There is a difference between hurting someone's feelings and trying to kill somebody. Sasuke clearly overreacted, but no one seems to notice he's dangerous. You don't let someone walk freely after they nearly strangled another person. I know Kakashi is not ideal teacher, but to let his student walk all over his head like that. He should bring Uchiha to heel, maybe even by force. But no, he decides it's better not to piss him off and makes him a leader of the mission.
Sasuke doesn't feel any guilt over almost killing someone, he feels bad only because Naruto's upset. Moreover, ignoring hand print on Sakura makes him a dumb leader. Someone attacked his teammate on a mission and he does nothing about that.
Let's not forget about very creepy make-out session with Naruto, while he was sleeping. You make him pull all this shit off and still portrey him as a good guy. I wouldn't wish Naruto a lover like that. That would be unhealthy and potentialy abussive relationship in the future.

I won't be judging Naruto, he's more of a passive character. He's supposed to be important character, but he doesn't do much. He just... is there, as Sasuke's love interest. I find it weird he didn't visit Sakura when she was absent for over a month. He loved her, right? There was no reason for him to stay away from his girlfriend.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/17/2016
Absolutely horrible grammar, did you even edit this?
lucien.francine chapter 8 . 6/6/2016
More chapter please
Why0Am0i0Here chapter 2 . 4/5/2016
I know how you feel
dosarat chapter 8 . 4/2/2016
Please continue! Please update! I want MOAR! Thanks!
nana chapter 5 . 3/22/2016
Amazing story, i like the fact that someone else understands how much of a bitch sakura is but one little fact that you got wrong is... NARUTO IS NOT THE FOX!
deadhahaha chapter 8 . 2/18/2016
awe plz dont stop with the story carry on an hell yer ur dead!hahahalol keep writing this cause i hate cliffhangers!
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