Reviews for The Main Attraction
gothangelp3 chapter 1 . 6/26/2017
This story is amazing and I would love if you considered updating this story!
Child of Dreams chapter 1 . 9/13/2015
(eyes fill with tears)
Skyeward MusicLover chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
ErikaDestlerMulheim chapter 1 . 7/18/2011
Oh please update on this fic! It's very good.
Captain Ichabod Rainey chapter 1 . 12/1/2007
no! ! ! ! ! update asap ! ! ! ! !
LittleLottexoxEriksTrueAngel chapter 1 . 10/9/2006
OMG you have to update! That was really great...i cant wait for more!
ginnyharryxox chapter 1 . 8/7/2006
this is so good! UPDATE! I'm worried about Erik. It's not fair, everything happens to him.!
Myli chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
AH! Erik were is he! Is he ok? Write MORE! M
HappyFaceQueen chapter 1 . 12/23/2005
Fer! No sé por qué no habia leído este fic tuyo, pero me fascina!

Ya sabes que todos los tuyos me encantan!

Eres una grn writer-to-be :P

Un pequeño detalle, antes de que se me olvide:

'“Christine, I’m so gad you’re fine,” he said sincerely,'

Falta la L de glad :P

Nomás para que lo corrijas :P

Nos vemos pronto! Mañana leeré el prox. capi ya que es muy tarde :P

hisdarkprincess chapter 1 . 12/17/2005
OMG GIRL! u better post soon! u know i luv cliffhangers but... i can always yell at you more if i need to. so post soon.

what is gonna happen to erik. i know that you won't let eenything bad happen to him but still...

leaving me with a cliffhanger like that... COME ON! ITS SO MEAN! UR TORTURING ME HERE! course u probably enjoy it! Don't you? don't lie to me! i know you do!

SO UPDATE SON! PWEASE! (adopts puppy eyes)

i luv ya,

AHealingRenaissance chapter 1 . 11/19/2005
(GASP!)That can't be all! I must know what happens next! PLEASE update, and quickly :) (squeek! squeek! Translation: poochy lip and bright mouse eyes )
Phan Fantastic chapter 1 . 11/16/2005
I liked the thought that Raoul couldn't save Chritine and Erik could, but when it came to the part of Erik horribly getting crushed by a giant statue, it went down hill. Why do you make Erik suffer so? He has already been through enough! Don't hurt poor Erik anymore. Please, I implore you.
Carkeys chapter 1 . 10/4/2005
please dont leave this story! I luv where it is going! Please continue even if im u'r only reviewer! If u dont im going to cry... T.T
Tex110 chapter 1 . 9/22/2005
*gasps in horror* NO! Please continue! Even if I become your only reader! Please?
Shvibzik chapter 1 . 9/2/2005
Please update this quickly; I'm enjoying it!
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