Reviews for The Odd Couples
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 5 . 12/18/2018
"Alright, I've had enough!" Carl shouted. "I can't take this anymore! I'm going to go play with Bolbi!" he said before walking off. He turned back around after he took a few steps. "Tag! I'm going to go play tag with Bolbi!"

Dang, can't get any more serious than that.

Oh wait, it does. Hahaha.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 4 . 12/18/2018
"But I'll be the first to admit that my invention made a mistake. Ok? We all know that Sheen likes Libby and that I like," he suddenly stopped when he realized what he was about to say. "And I like Betty."
Cindy shot him a nasty look. "I mean, I, I, I'm gay," he nervously said. Anything would have been better than that. I could have said I loved Hillary Clinton and that would have been better. "I mean, uh, oh just forget it!"

I can't breathe from laughing too hard, this has to be a plan to kill me.
The One Who Reads Too Much chapter 3 . 12/18/2018
"How dare she. I can't believe that she did this to me. She knows that I hate lettuce on my sandwich! This is unbelievable! Carl angrily thought as he took a bite out of his lunch."

Bwahahaha. The silliness of everyone else is just slightly too exaggerated, but that got me to laugh.
linklover77 chapter 8 . 4/9/2012
Oh hey, what do you know? I already reviewed this, and I completely forgot! This was such a funny fic; I really did enjoy this. :D
linklover77 chapter 1 . 3/12/2012
I snorted a few times as I read this story, and I actually busted up laughing when Jimmy said he was gay! Oh my gosh...this was hilarious! XD
Guest chapter 8 . 8/25/2011
in the first few chapters, I was like WHAT? NOOO IT'S ALL WRONG!'(

but then, this all happened:) great story. my fab part was:

How dare she. I can't believe that she did this to me. She knows that I hate lettuce on my sandwich! This is unbelievable! Carl angrily thought as he took a bite out of his lunch.
NeverEndingFairyTales chapter 8 . 7/5/2011
Just reread this and was like still awesome. :)
Pumpernickel Muffin chapter 1 . 8/31/2008
Apparantly I already reviewed this story a very long time ago. But, I just re-found it and though I'd drop in to say that this story is pure epic WIN.

Especially chapter 5. That is solidified ROFL if there ever was such a thing.
british-babe-1995 chapter 8 . 11/5/2007
I love it!
Spiderman rules 321 chapter 1 . 10/20/2007
The summary was so hilarios. lol!
AngelaCoryShipper chapter 4 . 8/4/2007
OMG I loved this story. Jimmy and Libby would make some Sense but Cindy and Sheen would never happen Not in a bilion years. This would be a great episode. It would make everyone laugh.
AKissForLuck chapter 8 . 3/4/2007
Great great great. You got some really nice stuff here. Really funny, didn't try too hard. (I hate when writers do that.) Fabulous job.
AKissForLuck chapter 4 . 3/4/2007
Before I read the rest of've got me laughing at loud at parts, clutching my head in a "why, oh why?" manner, and just flat out grinning like a madwoman. This is hysterical. I just wanted to review and say that. Onward!
aqua animosity chapter 8 . 2/16/2007
OMG!This story is so freakin' funny! I was laughing so hard(and a bit creeped out on the Carl/Bolbi thing, but I guess that's normal)! Haha. Write more like this!
Sk8er765 chapter 8 . 6/25/2006
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