Reviews for Patiently
Dark Midnight Rose chapter 1 . 8/13/2006
Man that turned out kick butt awesome! I remember when you wrote that in you're algebra notebook...or was it english...? Anyway I liked the few changes that you made to it. :P
kawaii.sasuke chapter 1 . 2/14/2006
Yatta! I reviewed on this here and at Simply Love :D . Well that was beautiful! Loved it to heart!
hot-ninja-babe chapter 1 . 2/14/2006
It's good I like it
jadehaku chapter 1 . 2/3/2006
It was so kawaii0 please write a sequel, sasusaku forever!
ComeComeParadise chapter 1 . 1/20/2006
great story! I loved it! The characters were a tad bit OOC, but other than that, It was GREAT!
takara chapter 1 . 12/25/2005

ur going to be an awsome write one day!

and well go to japan and london together
ShortySC22 chapter 1 . 12/11/2005
This was a good story, I liked how you portrayed Sakura
HolySorceress chapter 1 . 12/1/2005
what does urusei mean?
Graceful Nightingale chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
If thats what it takes for you to create a SEQUEL! Then I will write 10 good reviews...all but screaming sequel! xD

I LOVE how you brought Sasuke back into Sakura's life! IT WAS PERFECT!

I could imagine her sitting on the bench, crying softly, then her being gathered up in a warm hug by none other than the person whom her heart desired most...Uchiha Sasuke.

Your one-shot was amazing. PLEASE write a sequel!
A Devil in Heaven chapter 1 . 11/22/2005
OMFG! This story is so good! No! Not good! GREAT! This story is so GREAT! HEY! Since I'm the tenth good comment does that mean your gonna write a sequel? I hope so! _!
maryrose chapter 1 . 11/4/2005
it was really a nice fanfic... i really liked it! i just wished it has a part 2! i enjoyed reading it!
Darkhope chapter 1 . 11/1/2005
yes you should make a sequel! this was good P Sasuke/Sakura is awesome!
sasuke fanatic1 chapter 1 . 10/25/2005
Aw so cute! SasuSaku foreva! That was really good, considering it's your first Naruo fanfic, it's great! i do hope you get to writing a whole bunch more!

Ja Ne

sasuke fanatic1
pUrpLy sTaR chapter 1 . 10/24/2005
niCe story!

neatly written

well done

you're ight about the fluff thing..

it was awesome!

sasusaku rocks!


uhm.. ehehe..


could you.. if ever.. read and review my story? oh , please! ja!
One Who Rides On The Wind chapter 1 . 9/5/2005
Arigato for reading my story... yours is beautiful, 108 hits on mine and only two reviews!

Hope ya'll continue?

~*~The Wind Rider~*~
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