Reviews for Before the Fall
JM0RIARTY chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
when I first found this fic I was like... Good Omens, well I'm not sure if I really want to read a ff about it, because I absolut adore the book... and yes Crowley and Azi... well I always imagine Crowley's and Castiel's voices from Supernatural when I read it... so yeah I kind of ship it even though in SN my OTP is Destiel, but angel/demon pairings are fun too. in SN and in GO as well... So I was a little curious about it and so I opened it and startet to read it, half in mind at closing it again because you don't write good omen ffs, the book is perfect as it is... but I'm curious and it's 2 am and I should be asleep but I can't sleep even though I'm tired as hell... well I guess even though I wasn't sure if I would really want to read it, I did and to my utter surprise I kind of liked it... still in my opinion one does not write fanfiction about good omens, but still good story, nicely done with just the right amount of drama...
so yeah good night to you
Billie the fourth sage chapter 1 . 1/30/2010
I loved this ;)

It was so full of emotion and poetic romance, and the way you stated it all just kept getting and getting me.

It was beautiful, lovely, and was a definite worth read.
RandomDream chapter 1 . 12/26/2009
I love God in this. :)

kristinalinda chapter 1 . 1/31/2009
Oh my gosh this story is really good! Have you considered cross posting it on other sites, such as yaoi gallery? Alot more people might see it there.
Oceans in Hand chapter 1 . 1/10/2008
I like it _ it's definately a new take, and I like how you personified everyone. And the tree. The tree was nice 83
Httw chapter 1 . 6/4/2007
i really liked that! it was, it was... i don't know how to say it, but it was! and the "was" is certainly good whatever it may be! *grins*
crystal tears of betrayal chapter 1 . 11/1/2006
Very beautifully written.
ISJ chapter 1 . 8/9/2006
I'm a horrible person because I almost never leave reviews-not because I'm horrifically picky, only that I just never think to do it!

But I *have* to leave a little hello telling you how profoundly amazing this fic was. I think it's the best GO fic I've encountered so far, and not just because Crowley and Aziraphale are my new OTP. ;) Your descriptions of Aziraphale's sensations as a human and the way you portrayed both he and Crawly as fundamentally innocent-even though they, as an angel and demon, could be considered as beings that should instinctively know *everything*-was really just breathtaking. And I nearly cried when He spoke to the two in their sleep.

This was beautifully written, the characterization was infinitely wonderful, and you, my dear, are going on my Fave Authors list.

Thanks so much for making my night, and possibly my week. :)

Lily Carroll chapter 1 . 1/6/2006
The narrative is great!

the way like them discovers the feelings and sensations it is adorable and cute.

Had Azirafale forgiven Crowly?
garotte chapter 1 . 8/27/2005
I absolutely LOVE this story! Your writing is very smooth and the whole thing flows perfectly. I especially like your "forbidden tree that grew every type of fruit you could ever want" idea. I guess not everyone can love apples.
Sammie-Sam chapter 1 . 8/20/2005
Alo you are such a great writer darling! Your talent just over flows and floods the streets! You did a wonderful job sticking with the creation story and I had such a good time reading this :D I hope to see so much more creative work from you.