Reviews for Horizontal, Vertical, and Sever
anthologylover chapter 1 . 12/17/2012
Naru soo kawaii..!
WaterSoter chapter 1 . 2/16/2009
I really liked this story a lot. Not at all as out there as people might think, in my opinion, after all, Naruto was a kid no one wanted, and being so young he might not think things through. Also loved the way you portrayed Iruka, great story!
Taisi chapter 1 . 6/19/2007
-sniffs- So kawaii! I loved this fic so much!
ANIMEANGEL77 chapter 1 . 7/1/2006
Interesting concept.
danilion chapter 1 . 5/14/2006
Just wanted to let you know that I thought this one-shot was very a lovely piece of work, written really well! )Very clean, no flowery excess words, which is quite an achievement.

I especially like your portrayal of Naruto's growing hope that he would finally make a friend, as well as Iruka's innate compassion.

I'm a little sad to hear that you aren't going to be posting here any longer but oh well. Sometimes reviewers can be very mean... guess they don't always see the point behind reviewing.

All the best to you, with your writing!
Sillvog chapter 1 . 5/11/2006
This was just too cute, the end anyway. I bet the reason he healed so soon was the kubi's doing. Keep up the good work.
dampirecat chapter 1 . 4/14/2006
I enjoyed this story keep up the good work!
Osanagokorochi chapter 1 . 2/24/2006
There are a number of reasons I really like this fic-one of them being your elaboration on the associations between Gaara and Naruto. Although, from what I have seen, Gaara only wished to inflict harm on himself because he'd never felt physical pain before (he's always had his sands to protect him), it was still a very interesting idea.

Also, this comes across as a nice precurser to the Naruto/Iruka relationship-it starts them off on good terms, even thought Iruka is still afraid of Naruto at this point (which I thought was a good addition; Mizuki DID have grounds for what he told Naruto early in the series about Iruka having reasons to hate and fear him), and also giving birth to the first seeds of the idea that Naruto could become a ninja himself.

Great fic! You have my kudos.
Raizu chapter 1 . 8/21/2005
"but it just kind of took on its one-shottedness in the end"

This will only be a one-shot? Sad... you have a lot of potential to make it a chapter fic.. and you're very good at placing your words. Maybe you will reconsider and write more? I hope you do!
Supi chapter 1 . 8/16/2005
It was so sad T_T Chibi Naruto trying to kill himself(well, de didnt know what he was doing)it makes me hate the villagers even more.

Great history! n.n

Ardonius-Servant-Of-Zeta chapter 1 . 8/16/2005
Good so far.
Kirara chapter 1 . 8/16/2005
Good job. I don't really know what to say, but good job.