Reviews for Awakening
Astir chapter 1 . 11/28/2005
First off, let me congratulate you for being one of the few people who write Frankenstein fanfictions. I wish they'd update the directory so these would be a bit easier to find! You did a good job on your descriptions of the creature's possible feelings, but you did make several mistakes. You might want to rewrite the chapter for those few die-hard Frankenstein fans.

First off: Frankenstein was the creator, not the creation. The creature itself is only presented with the names 'fiend', 'daemon', etc. throughout the course of the novel. Also, the creature, as shown in his account in the novel itself, does not immediatly realize how he came into being, he only discovered that after he had read the letters found in the clothing he took from Frankenstein. Apart from these mistakes, you did an excellent job! I recomend that you continue this, it would be interesting to see your take on other feelings that the creature might have experienced, especially during his metamorphasis into the malicious creature he became.
person chapter 1 . 11/17/2005
The creature's name was not Frankenstein; he was simply created by Victor Frankenstein.

I don't believe Frankenstein's creature was ever really given a name...not in the book, anyway.
Bagge chapter 1 . 11/15/2005
Wonderful! Highly imaginative. Inspired. Obviously true. Well written, short as it is. The way you pushed the answer to the question forward until it all came falling down in the very last word. How bad, the creator being mad.
nattey chapter 1 . 11/5/2005
o, likey! i like it!
spanky-mcwhack-whack chapter 1 . 10/20/2005
This is a most astounding work of fiction. A success by all accounts. Spanky, whoever you are, you are a truly talented writer, and I wish you the best of luck in your future writing career. But alas, you need not that luck, for you already have it made. I give it 10 stars for astounding magnificent (that's out of five).
B.P.C. Ishmael chapter 1 . 10/20/2005
This is a most astounding work of fiction. A success by all accounts. Spanky, whoever you are, you are a truly talented writer, and I wish you the best of luck in your future writing career. But alas, you need not that luck, for you already have it made. I give it 10 stars for astounding magnificent (that's out of five).
rubitusinAE chapter 1 . 9/4/2005
very good story,keep writing it,it seems it's going to get very interesting.
dominike chapter 1 . 9/2/2005
i like it!

keep writing!

don't give up this story,it's promising

i want to read more
Wormz chapter 1 . 8/27/2005
this is gewd. keep writing! you dont want to let your fans down by not continuing..

these kids in my pants
mika chapter 1 . 8/26/2005

i love your story,and i want to read the rest! please update soon. by the way,have you watch the hallmark movie of frankestein? it's good.

update soon,please.
Mizamour chapter 1 . 8/19/2005
O, I like it! I don't think he was mad, though...not truly, just overtaken by a mad pursuit... but this is really well written! I like it! I love Frankenstein, so it was great to see another fic out there...
alienoidddd chapter 1 . 8/18/2005
yes, like they said keep updating it. i really want to know how the monster feels about this (this is my favorite book btw i'm so excited to see fanfic)
megumisakura chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
hi! i just reaf the first chapter of your fic and i like it,i hope you can update soon.

i think it's going to be a great story.

-irene _
irene chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
hi! i just read the first chapter of your fic,and i like it. i think it's going to be a great story.

by the way ,did you saw the most new version of "frankestein" the one they show on hallmark,i like that one.

ok,i hope you can update soon.

-irene megumi _~