Reviews for Troubled Love
Treasure Family chapter 14 . 7/3/2011
I love it. Great job.
HieiLover2004 chapter 14 . 3/9/2006
I love it. _
freya kurenai chapter 14 . 10/27/2005
wonderful story desu!great ending and nice confession there...
angel hakusho chapter 14 . 9/17/2005
Migod that was such a cute ending! I loved the last line, mwah!
NyteKit chapter 14 . 9/15/2005
aww! cute! the italics section at the end was pretty nice. i think you could have separated it to let us know what is was though. the quick change from Kurama's POV to Hiei's POV to their future was kind of confusing. great job, though. i really enjoyed this story.
Malina Scarlette chapter 9 . 9/14/2005
Okay this is for chap 14 i forgot to write something else as a sequel idea... it's completely up to you though. Anway: How about you write about how Hiei feels with Shuichi gone and the one taking his place is the mischievous Yoko Kurama. And what about Kurama's mother, Shiori? What did she think? And where did kurama die? Did Kurama just turn Yoko on the spot or did he change later? How did Kurama die anyway? Please consider my ideas and help answer my questions PLEASE? thank you the whole thing is great buh- bye!
Malina Scarlette chapter 14 . 9/14/2005
I think you should write an extra chapter like an epilogue and say something about how Kurama acts on the anniversery of Kuronue's death. I think it would be interesting, since nobody knew the exact day kuronue died even Hiei would be baffled and Kurama would push him away and you get it... its all on accident btu kurama has feelnigs right? He too can deal with sorrow as well right? And what aobut Hiei's troubled past? Kurama isn't the only one with problems, perhaps you should make up something about him too, even if it is a long epilogue. It was good i rally enjoyed it tohugh i was disappointed that it was so short, but when you run out of time you run out of time. I do that too! Buh- bye! (P.S. Check otu my story "Strange Love") IT WAS AWESOME! I look forward to more to this story or another sotry (hey you can make it a sequel! Your such a great writer it's possible!)sorry if i babbled too much and you dont like this review. ignore it if you dont like it. anyway yur great!
lazy fat kitsune chapter 14 . 9/14/2005
aw...i like it...and the last line is so cute1

write more!
Lita Kitsune chapter 14 . 9/14/2005 ended! but i liked it...i got and Idea, when i was reading them Talking about Kuroune...I though it would be cool(mabye) if like an evil Kuronue came back and tried to kill Hiei...ya know, the whole jelously was just an Idea, thought you should know, in case you wanted some ideas...
iggy - illmatiq shorty chapter 14 . 9/14/2005
Aw..., sweet ending. I liked it.
shiorifoxiesmom chapter 14 . 9/14/2005
Great ending. I just love a mushy happy ending. I'll keep an eye out for more stories from you.
Count Napula chapter 14 . 9/14/2005
That's so great. I think this was a very good story.
sabrinaw chapter 14 . 9/14/2005
kurama's death kinda fit, ya know. don't get me wrong, i mean, kurama kicks ass, but it the story in some odd way...good story all together. can wait to read your next one! Ja ne!
NyteKit chapter 13 . 9/9/2005
nice chapters. they're going really fast, though. and you have Kurama and Hiei a bit out of character. it's okay, because it works for the story, but i think you should try to get them more in character if you can. update soon!
Count Napula chapter 13 . 9/8/2005
THAT. WAS. AWEOME! I am so glad that they finally told them, and I love how they kissed. Yay, wondrous. I can't wait for the next chapter of this terrific story.
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