Reviews for Tears for Eponine
NickelS chapter 1 . 4/12/2002

Great job in portraying Folken _;

*snickers* pink ribbons? that image is just too cute.
Oboe-Wan chapter 1 . 3/3/2002
I read the summary and thought... Eponine...Escaflowne...WHAT THE HECK? But it works! I never would have made that connection, but what a beautiful parallel.

You really captured the very melancholy, very regretful but ever compassionate Folken-sama. What an awesome story!
Areku chapter 1 . 1/29/2002
awwwww, that was really sweet. I love this kinda' thing. (sniff sniff) you did a really good job.
Sketch chapter 1 . 7/10/2001
Awww, *sniff*.. That's so sad.. but it reflects Folkie-kun so well.. this is a definite fav! Write more soon!
Nymphean chapter 1 . 6/21/2001
Good... sad. Poor folken... Oh damn, now I'm sad. You're right, it does fit with the eponine-marius thing... and nice touch with the whole happy birthday bit at the end. Good stuff...
Hyzenthlay chapter 1 . 6/10/2001
You described Folken perfectly. ;)
Meg Erskine chapter 1 . 5/30/2001
*sniff* oh my god that was sad... but very appropriate for the character. this is a wonderful story! poor Folken... :(