Reviews for Lethal Loyalty
Joanne N. Grey chapter 16 . 4/25/2017
I know I should feel bad for Raphael. And even worse for Leo. I know that! I ... I know I should... But I can't! I'm trying, okay? I am but I just can't.

I ... really... my heart... it goes out to Karai. My emotions on her and her alone. There! I said it! It's out in the open... *deep sigh* I already miss her *sniff* She was just confused. My poor lady. My poor poor Karai. I can feel myself sinking into a darkness where only grief, sorrow and heartache abide.

The story was great. The author's notes were plenty weird (were you guys tripping on 'shrooms or what?) but funny and entertaining. Thanks for sharing the story.


PS: Karai's full name should Oroku Karai and not Karai Saki. This is because in Japanese culture the family name comes last. The Shredder is Saki, his family name Oroku, hence Oroku Saki. So Oroku is the family name and is what is passed down from generation to generation. So Karai is Oroku Karai.
Raphaelfanguy4real chapter 16 . 2/19/2017
whoa...i gots three words for ya. a maze ing! three words. this was great.
GumWin chapter 16 . 12/14/2014
Oh my heart ;; great story, fun read
Cassie Rosebelle chapter 16 . 12/21/2013
Wow this is really sad and traumatizing raph went through soooo much and was close at deaths hand and wow amazing beautiful sad work well done
SleepingSeeker chapter 16 . 7/5/2013
Ah, spectacular ending. Bravo!

To even have Raph come around to such a profound realization when it was too late, very bold. very brave. for him to understand Leo, why her betrayal hurt him so very deeply, to come to feel conflicted for the woman who caused him so much pain. Life is complex, is it not? Complex and confusing, maddening and enraging and you know what? It has the nerve to just keep going on . . .

Excellent story. Hope you check out mine some time!
SleepingSeeker chapter 15 . 7/5/2013
Wow! Talk about awesome and chilling to the bone! Incredible! Just left me utterly speechless! Like an idiot I kept hoping for Leo to help her! Stupid, I know, I know, I'm sorry, but I'm almost done writing this long complex series about their love affair called The Tender Trap and I think it's effecting my logical thought processes. Check it out!
SleepingSeeker chapter 14 . 7/5/2013
Oh snap, so much for her regaining their live and trust, right!?
SleepingSeeker chapter 13 . 7/5/2013
Go, Karai! Go!
SleepingSeeker chapter 12 . 7/5/2013
Awesome! That's the Raphael we know and LOVE! WOO!
SleepingSeeker chapter 10 . 7/5/2013
Cool. Mikey is wonderful!
SleepingSeeker chapter 9 . 7/5/2013
Well, that's what she gets! Leo's the type of man who does not forgive once he's been burnt enough. Once the line is crossed, it's over. Too bad for you Karai!
SleepingSeeker chapter 8 . 7/5/2013
Very chilling. Excellent!
SleepingSeeker chapter 7 . 7/5/2013
Aw, poor Leo. There's more to this than simply a betrayal between rivals, no matter what anyone says. His reaction was spot on!
SleepingSeeker chapter 6 . 7/5/2013
Oh, Karai you evil broadzilla how could you!?
SleepingSeeker chapter 5 . 7/5/2013
Eeee! Just getting started, huh? Well awright! This is great so far!
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