Reviews for Our gravitation
Babykat570 chapter 4 . 10/23/2007
ILoveFoxes chapter 5 . 7/26/2007
OK , right now I love and hate you . I love the story and hate the cliffy ! Did I mention I love the story ? ROCK ON !
SaltWaterSwimmer29 chapter 4 . 2/8/2007
forgot to add as favorite
SaltWaterSwimmer29 chapter 5 . 2/8/2007
If you say that one of those guys is Sasuke I will be so mad at him for cheating on Sakura by trying to rape a girl. Hinata and naruto are 10 years apart so if they're a couple it might be a little weird. In other words it is a great story becides the LEMONS. I can't stand them because... EW... NASTY.
MaGiCsLiFe chapter 5 . 7/10/2006
PLZ don't make one of them sasuke.
khannds chapter 5 . 10/28/2005
wahehehhe! wwaah!...hehe...I like the story...wahehehe...hope you continue it...and goodluck!



Sakura-Girl 2005 chapter 5 . 10/22/2005
Your story is very interseting so far. I like it. I hope that you update soon.
flowerangel050 chapter 5 . 10/18/2005 something going to happen?

asterisque chapter 5 . 10/18/2005
wow! didnt expect u to update that fast! _

so sakura and sasuke are 3 years apart ey?

that not bad age.

but naruto and hinata! 10 years seriously man! heheh oh well doesnt really matter...

this was a short chaper but it was still good! XD

i hope u update it soon! cant wait to read next chapter! :)
NarutoBlackmail chapter 1 . 10/17/2005
this is okay, but don't take this as a flame, because, it really isn't...


good story, only Gravitation is yaoi. It's good though! really good. keep it up. just please don't approve of this as a flame. I would never do that. keep up the good work.

Chibe-tenshi-hime chapter 5 . 10/16/2005
okay um where do i start.. there are grammar errors and spelling errors, u need to make the stroy flow and I think the whole relationship with sasuke is too fast, the idea of the sasuke/sakura pairins is gud but the way u presented the idea is just um to be blunt its stupid, they met, he insulted her and she fell inlove -_-'' ok der and the next day sasuke, i dont know what the hell his doin and then he fell in love? and the whole band thing, i think they need a bass player and a drummer to have an actaul band. And What is the conflict in this story? i know sakura is the protagonist, so whose the antagonist? sasuke? im sorry but this is just too confusing really. Im not saying ur story is bad and its certainly not the best but i think u can do better than dis... Dont take this as a flame, this is just constructive criticsm..

ja ne
asterisque chapter 4 . 10/16/2005
yo! _

so u finally updated ey? lol XP

i luv this fic! i think its really good!

Go SASUSAKE! (i CAN wait for naruhina cause sasusaku is much better!)XD

um one question old is sasuke and naruto and the others? (sorry if u already wrote it in ur fic its cause i read this fic a long time ago!)

i just want to know how many years apart is sakura and sasuke

i promise to review if u promise to keep writing! :)

well update soon!
Anime Insaniac chapter 4 . 10/15/2005
Very Nice indeed, I look forward to the next chapter.

-Anime Insaniac
Georgina Summer chapter 3 . 10/14/2005
oh please please update soon! i like it so much please please!
Georgina Summer chapter 2 . 10/14/2005
wow! this is really nice!
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